Orange County NC Website
Environmental Assessment: <br />An Environmental Assessment (EA) and recommended Finding of No Significant Impact <br />( FONSI) for this project was prepared by Corley Redfoot Zack, Inc. (dated January 2006). The <br />Staff has forwarded the developer's EA and FONSI determination to the State Clearinghouse <br />for comment. The State review period closed on February 20, 2006. Staff received two <br />comments from the State, one from NCDENR and one from the Department of Cultural <br />Resources (see attached). Neither agency indicated any issues with the proposal. The <br />applicant's FONSI concludes that the project would result in no significant environmental <br />impact Based on its review of a revised site plan (dated 1/23/06) staff concurs with the <br />conclusion. [An earlier 12/20/05 site plan showed land- disturbing activities adjacent to a <br />stream, and within the required stream buffer. The current site plan relocates all land disturbing <br />activities outside of the stream buffer, as was recommended by staff.] <br />Smart Growth Principles: <br />The proposed school follows smart growth principles in numerous ways, see attached list of <br />smart growth principles adhered to. <br />Fire. Police and Rescue: See Findings <br />Development Process Schedule and Action <br />Articles 8.4.3 and 8.4.4 of the Zoning Ordinance require that the Zoning Officer's <br />recommendation be presented to the Planning Board. <br />Zoning Officer's Recommendation <br />The Zoning Officer has not received information that would establish grounds for making <br />a negative recommendation on the general standards. These standards include <br />maintaining or promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare, and the use <br />being in compliance with the general plan for the physical development of the County. <br />The Zoning Officer has reviewed the application, the site plan and all supporting <br />documentation and has found that the application does comply with the specific <br />standards and required regulations concerning the Special Use Permit. <br />Provided the BOCC finds in the affirmative on the general standards, the Zoning Officer <br />recommends approval for a Special Use Permit for the Partnership Academy Alternative <br />School for Orange County subject to the conditions in the attached Resolution of <br />Approval. <br />Information /Issues at Planning Board Meeting on February 1, 2006 <br />(Comments made by Planning Board) <br />1. This is an exciting thing happening. It's been in the works for 10+ years and the school <br />district needs it. <br />2. This is to help make sure that children don't fall through the cracks, and it is close to <br />another school so they don't feel alienated. <br />3. When will the cultural resources report be available? <br />• Mike Hammersley with Corley, Redfoot & Zack indicated it would be available <br />before the Public Hearing. (Comments were received back from the State <br />Clearinghouse and there was no comment from the Department of Cultural <br />Resources). <br />