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z <br />the Town to simplify open space stewardship of the upper Bolin Creek corridor and enhance <br />planning, construction, operation and maintenance of future greenway trails." The Town shows <br />a proposed segment of the planned Jones Greek Greenway on this property (an upstream <br />segment of this greenway is also reflected in the Twin Creeks Master Plan), <br />A resolution was adopted by the Town Board of Aldermen on August 16`h asking that these <br />properties be transferred to the Town. It is not currently known whether this is anticipated as a <br />purchase at market value (for the 0.2 acre property) or a gift or sale at nominal price. <br />The County Attorney, E&RC Director and Planning Director have met to review these properties <br />and the issues related to conveyance, Other departments were also asked about possible uses <br />of the 0,2-acre property, The small Broad Street lot has a tax value of $9,658, and the 5,03 <br />acres tract in Fox Meadow does not have an estimated tax value, <br />Staff has not been able to identify a potential use b,y the County for the 0.2-acre (8700 square <br />feet) lot on Broad Street. The property has a stream on it and an O WASA easement and is <br />appears to be generally undevelopable. Its proximity to the Town's Baldwin Park across the <br />street ma,y make it a logical conveyance to the Town. <br />The 5.03-acre lot in Fox Meadow subdivision was acquired as part of the subdivision approval <br />for park and open space purposes. Staff and the County Attorney have begun amore-detailed <br />assessment of this property, which is continuing. A report back on this potential transfer will <br />occur at a later date. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Conveyance of the parcels in question could involve transaction costs <br />(surveys, closing costs, attorney fees) for both properties, The 0.2-acre property could be sold <br />on the market, as an alternative to conveyance, which might yield a small monetary return, <br />although its potential for use appears very limited. The 5,03-acre lot was acquired as open <br />space and would need to be used as such by the County, The Town's letter does not indicate <br />whether it proposes to purchase the property or asks that they be gifted or sold at nominal price <br />to the Town, but subsequent conversation with Town officials has indicated that the interest is in <br />anon-monetary conveyance, The 0.2-acre lot has a tax value of $9,600. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board offer to sell the 0.2 acre <br />parcel on Broad Street (tax map reference 7.93.F.2) to the Town, in consideration of the sum of <br />$1, with the Town to pay all costs of transaction.. The County Attorney and staff would continue <br />to evaluate the 5,03-acre parcel and report back at a later date, <br />