Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:37AF196F-70A9-40BD-BDE0-4E0A39EC4A40 <br /> GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> (SERVICE) <br /> Article 1: General Customer represents at the commencement of this Agreement that, <br /> 1.1 These General Terms and Conditions, including any with the exception of Covered Equipment that is an Equipment <br /> supplemental terms(each a"Rider), are attached to and made part of Deliverable under this Agreement, if any, all Covered Equipment is in <br /> the Proposal, Advantage Services Agreement, or other document as satisfactory working condition and complies with all applicable codes. <br /> the case may be induding any change order, in which these General 2.2 If a fire or life safety system is induded as part of the Covered <br /> Terms and Conditions are incorporated (the"Document"), that when Equipment and does not comply with all applicable codes or if removal <br /> approved in writing by the Customer and accepted by an authorized of any item of Covered Equipment from coverage would compromise <br /> representative of Siemens shall(a)constitute the entire,complete and or impair the integrity or the compliance with law of any system or <br /> exclusive contract between the parties (this "Agreement') (i) to Services, and Customer fails to take all necessary corrective action, <br /> implement the services identified in the Document(the"Services")to then Siemens may terminate this Agreement without further obligation <br /> be provided by Siemens and (ii) for the physical equipment and retain all monies received pursuant to this Agreement <br /> ("Equipment), software owned or licensable by Siemens ("Software'), 2.3 All testing and inspection of any Covered Equipment provided for <br /> any related documentation ("Related Documentation'), deliverable in this Agreement will be performed at the time and place and in the <br /> Instruments(as defined in Section 9.2),and Work Product Deliverables manner deemed appropriate by Siemens, in accordance with <br /> (as defined in Section 9.1)identified in the Document to be provided by applicable law and the requirements of then current National Fire <br /> Siemens under the Agreement in accordance with the performance of Protection Association ("NFPA") guidelines if applicable, and other <br /> the Services (collectively, the "Deliverables') and (b) supersedes and relevant standards. Customer is solely responsible for, and hereby <br /> cancels all prior proposals,agreements and understandings,written or indemnifies and holds Siemens harmless from and against, any <br /> oral,relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. liability arising from Customer's specification of a testing schedule <br /> 1.2 Neither party may assign this Agreement or any rights or other than then current NFPA or other applicable standards or laws. <br /> obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other 2.4 If the Covered Equipment is altered or moved by any person, <br /> except that either party may assign this Agreement to its affiliates and induding Customer, other than Siemens or a person authorized by <br /> Siemens may grant a security interest in the proceeds to be paid to Siemens, Customer shall immediately notify Siemens in writing, and <br /> Siemens under this Agreement; assign proceeds of this Agreement; Siemens reserves the right to perform a reacceptance test on, or, if <br /> and/or use subcontractors in performance of the Services. necessary, a recommissioning of the system at Customer's expense. <br /> 1.3 The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be modified Reacceptance tests will be performed in accordance with then current <br /> or rescinded except in writing, with the prior approval of the Legal NFPA or other applicable requirements, and charged on a time and <br /> Departments of Siemens and Customer and signed by duly authorized materials basis. <br /> officers or managers of Siemens and Customer. Article 3: Services by Siemens <br /> 1.4 In the event of conflict between the Document and these General 3.1 Siemens shall only perform the Services identified in this <br /> Terms and Conditions, these General Terms and Conditions shall Agreement. Siemens is not required to conduct safety or other tests, <br /> control. In the event of conflict between a Rider and Document or install or maintain any devices or equipment or make modifications or <br /> these General Terms and Conditions, the Rider shall control. Any upgrades to any equipment beyond the scope of this Agreement. Any <br /> differing or additional terms and conditions in any purchase order or request to change the scope or the nature of the Services must be in <br /> other document are of no force and effect unless specifically accepted the form of a mutually agreed change order, effective only when <br /> in writing by the parties. executed by all parties hereto. <br /> 1.5 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to give any 3.2 Siemens shall perform the Services during its local, normal <br /> rights or benefits to anyone other than the Customer and Siemens working hours,unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. <br /> without the express written consent of both parties.Al provisions of this 3.3 Siemens shall have no liability or obligation to continue providing <br /> Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between the parties shall Services in the event Customer fails to(a) authorize a reacceptance <br /> survive the completion of the Services and termination of this test or re-commissioning that Siemens reasonably deems necessary; <br /> Agreement. (b) notify Siemens of any modifications or changes to the Covered <br /> 1.6 Certain terms and conditions contained herein may not apply to the Equipment or unusual or materially changed operating conditions, <br /> Services to be provided hereunder. It is the intent of the parties, hours of usage, system malfunctions or building alterations that may <br /> however,that the interpretation to be given to the terms and conditions affect the Services;(c) provide the access to any site where Services <br /> is to apply all terms and conditions unless dearly inapplicable given the are to be performed; or(d) operate, service or maintain the Covered <br /> type of Services included. Equipment in accordance with manufacturer's or supplier's <br /> 1.7 This Agreement shall be governed by and enforced in instructions or this Agreement. After any of the aforesaid events, <br /> accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. Any litigation Siemens may terminate or suspend services under this Agreement <br /> arising under this Agreement shall be brought in the State or immediately, upon giving notice to Customer. <br /> Commonwealth in which the Services are provided to Customer. 3.4 Any repairs and replacements of Covered Equipment as may be <br /> 1.8 AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE INITIAL TERM, THIS expressly included in the Services are limited to restoring the proper <br /> AGREEMENT SHALL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW FOR SUCCESSIVE working condition of such Covered Equipment. Siemens will not be <br /> ONE YEAR PERIODS BEGINNING ON THE ANNIVERSARY DATE obligated to provide replacement Covered Equipment that represents <br /> OF THE INITIAL TERM UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN THE significant capital improvement compared to the original. Exchanged <br /> DOCUMENT. or removed components become the property of Siemens, except <br /> 1.9 This Agreement is non-cancellable during the Initial Term. Either Hazardous Materials (as defined in Section 10.1), which under all <br /> party, however, may terminate this Agreement at the end of the Initial circumstances remain the property and responsibility of Customer. <br /> Term or at the end of a renewal term by giving the other party at least 3.5 The Services shall be performed in a manner consistent with the <br /> sixty(60)days prior written notice of its intent not to renew. degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by persons performing the <br /> 1.10 If, during or within ninety (90) days after the term of this same or similar Services in the same locale under similar <br /> Agreement, Customer engages any Siemens employee who has circumstances and conditions. <br /> performed work under this or any other agreement between Customer 3.6 Where Services include energy consulting, any estimates of <br /> and Siemens, Customer shall pay Siemens an amount equal to the probable construction or implementation costs,financial evaluations, <br /> employee's latest annual salary. feasibility studies or economic analyses prepared by Siemens, the <br /> Article 2: Covered Equipment documents prepared for the Customer represent Siemens' best <br /> 2.1 "Covered Equipment" shall mean the equipment expressly judgment based on Siemens' experience and the information <br /> identified in the Document upon which Services will be performed. reasonably available to Siemens at the time that the Services are <br /> Siemens Industry,Inc.,Building Technologies Division 1 of 6 <br /> For:Orange County <br />