Orange County NC Website
. _ . <br /> 0 2 4 <br /> . . <br /> . . <br /> 'following a public hearing conducted_by the Town of Chapel Mill, Any such adopted and <br /> approved moratorium ill initially be no more than six months in duration and may be <br /> extended ottc time for no more than six months for the roasons and following the <br /> procedures prescribed h . • . <br /> Section 2.4 Petit Administration in the Rural Buffer <br /> A. Ex as atherwi, a provided in Ski ora 2.6 and the remaining rernaining.provisions of this Section, <br /> Orange County shall perform all functions related to the administration of the ordinances <br /> referenced in ScUon 2 .2 in the same manner as if the land were located outside the Joint <br /> Planning Area. . <br /> B, Virbenever Orange County rives an application for a development permit relating to <br /> land located within tlio CHTDA Rural B u for or the Joint Courtsy Review , it shall <br /> forward'copies of tht application to Chapel Hill for review, Similarly, whenever Orange . <br /> County ounty rimoives an application for a development pc it rc1ating to land located within the <br /> CIDA Rol B11.1119-or the Joint Co udesy Review Area, it shall forward copics of the <br /> • application ation Coro for revieliv, The County shall establish,Timetables to insure that the <br /> tovyrns have an oppormnity to make recommendations regarding such applications within <br /> • the framework of their respective regularly scheduled meeting dates. To the extent <br /> possible, the timetables of the respedive tames and the County shall provide for <br /> simultaneous expedite application pros es ing provided, however,Orange • <br /> County may not vote to issue or deny a permit until it has rived the recommendations <br /> of the respective Towns or until the expiration of forty-five (45) days after the respective <br /> towns have received the application, whichever occurs first. <br /> 10 <br />