Orange County NC Website
0 : <br /> B. WhErnever Chapel Hill or Ca rboro receives an app I i ion for a development permit as <br /> defined in this Agreement relating to land within their respective portions of the Transition <br /> area, it shall forward copies of the application to Orange County for mew, The towns <br /> shall establish timetables to insure that Oninge County has an opportunity to make <br /> recommendations regarding such applications within the framework of the County's <br /> regularly scheduled ni acting dates. To the extent possible, the iimetables of the County <br /> aid the towns sha l provide for simultaneous review to expedite application processing; <br /> provided}however, the towns may not vote to issue or deny a permit until they have <br /> received th recommendations of Orange County or until the expiration of forty-five (45) <br /> days after orange County has received the application,whichever eorne8 first, <br /> C. From time to time a development moratorirmm is appropriate in order to address exigent <br /> circumstances or the results of a study of dpi iy designations,plan classifications or other <br /> matters prescTibed by thc adopted Joint Flag Area Land Use Ilan, the Joint Planning <br /> Area Land Use Map or any of the land use ordinances of the Town of Chapel Hill or the <br /> Town of Caro. To preserve the status quo pending the consideration ofa land use <br /> ordinancLe amendment designed to address exigent thcumstinees or the resu]is of a study, <br /> the Town.of C rrhoro or the Town of Camel Hill may propose the adoption of a <br /> development moratorium pending consideration of the ordinance amendrr'irlt_ With <br /> respect to the CHM, any proposed moratorium shall not be effective until adopted by the <br /> Town of C a rboro and approved by Orange County following a public hearing conducted <br /> by the Town of Carrhorp. With respect to the CFLIDA, any proposed moratorium shall riot <br /> be effective until adopts by the Town of Chapel Hill and approved by Orange Coup <br /> 9 <br />