Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E5E3D11E-CD84-4634-85FD-906ECE27F9C1 <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> CrowdRiff is a visual influence platform that inspires new and returning interest to travel <br /> brands. It will allow The Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau (hereafter referred to as <br /> "Customer") to effectively discover and activate the most engaging visual content from the <br /> social web, while inspiring conversations around its brand. Crowd Riff will enable Customer <br /> to increase overall social and digital efficiency, activate its brand across seasons, and deliver <br /> real-time content through every marketing channel. <br /> STRATEGIC FIT <br /> Content curation <br /> By using CrowdRiff's unique search, and filterable collection, Customer can easily& <br /> effectively find content to power its visual content requirements. This will reduce time spent <br /> in manual curation, and will enable Customer to leverage content faster, and integrate it in <br /> more marketing channels. <br /> Flexible website & blog integration <br /> Customer can utilize CrowdRiff's embedded Galleries to integrate user-generated content <br /> into its website and blog. These Galleries can be completely customized based on page topic, <br /> page dimensions and the desired user experience. <br /> Social engagement & awareness <br /> Customer can activate CrowdRiff Conversations to connect and engage with social users at <br /> scale. These conversations can be tailored to any travel segment to increase authenticity, <br /> and future brand consideration. In doing so, Customer will drastically increase engagement, <br /> awareness and social followers. <br />