Orange County NC Website
• Announce a coordinated drought web-site that we are now creating <br /> • Provide a list of severe-condition water conservation techniques <br /> • Kick off a campaign soliciting donations of bottled water and paper plate type products for low <br /> income households depending on both municipal water systems and wells <br /> • Publicize a telephone hotline to deal with drought, water conservation, ground water and well <br /> questions and issues <br /> • Announce several water savings techniques to be utilized by the County(cut off water fountains to <br /> use water cooler systems, the availability of water-free hand cleaning in restrooms [where <br /> appropriate—food preparation, daycare, etc, have statutory requirements for soap and water hand <br /> cleaning], and the like) in buildings and facilities that it owns or controls <br /> These staff meetings are ongoing and it is possible.that additional recommendations will be available for <br /> BOCC discussion at its August 29th work session. Please note that water conservation techniques for <br /> individual water consumers will be identical or nearly so for households supplied by water wells or <br /> municipal surface water systems <br /> If I may provide additional information or clarification of this infonnation,please advise. <br />