Orange County NC Website
6/19/20 Ohment 2 <br /> Decision Point 3. Potential Deferral of Capital Investment Projects <br /> Pay-As-You-Go Capital Projects That Could Be Deferred <br /> Projects outlined below have been approved by the BOCC in prior fiscal years. For one reason or another,certain funds have not yet been expended or obligated. As the Board deliberates the <br /> property tax rate for fiscal year 2002-03,Commissioners may wish to use("borrow")these funds to offset the Manager's Recommended tax rate increase of 4.5 cents. It is important to note that, <br /> should the BOCC decide to use monies from any of these projects for the upcoming fiscal year,the funds would need to be"repaid"to the individual projects over the next few years,unless the <br /> BOCC decides to permanently discontinue certain specified projects. As staff prepares future Capital Investment Plans(CIP),a"repayment plan"would be included and outlined for the Board's <br /> consideration. <br /> Staff has identified projects according to the following color coding system: <br /> Indicates that the project would not be adversely affected by delays <br /> Indicates that the project could potentially be affected by delays;staff recommends that the Board carefully consider using the funds(mainly <br /> due to health and safety issues-for example: air quality or security) <br /> Indicates that the project would be affected by delays;staff does not recommend that the Board use the funds <br /> Funds <br /> Project Description Available Comments/Staff Recommendations <br /> Unspent funds from prior year appropriations. Funds accumulate for one of two <br /> Equipment and Vehicle Replacement reasons: either the purchase price for equipment and vehicle is less than budget or 200,000 Postponement would not adversely affect County operations. <br /> departments have postponed purchases for some reason <br /> Equipment Storage Construction of equipment storage area for Public Works 139,150 Postpone project until staff has more developed plans for <br /> BOCC to review <br /> Sheriff has indicated that project could be postponed for at <br /> Firearms Training Facility Reserve for project construction 125,000 least 2 years in order to sufficiently plan and site the proposed <br /> facility <br /> Improve drainage around the building and waterproof basement walls 30,000 Postpone these improvements until BOCC approves County <br /> Space Study. Public Works staff has made some <br /> improvements to the pump system located in the basement of <br /> Government Services Annex the Government Services Annex to enable the system to <br /> function properly. Short term repairs can be made to the brick <br /> Repair retaining wall 10,000 retaining wall located at the rear of the building to alleviate an <br /> immediate need to replace these walls. <br /> m <br /> m <br /> A <br /> Based on discussions that the Board had at its June 11,2002 <br /> budget work session,it is not likely that these funds will be <br /> Justice Facility Planning and design funds 589,375 needed in fiscal year 2002-03. The BOCC requested <br /> additional information regarding the project and staff plans to <br /> present that in August 2002. <br /> Northern Human Services Center Heating/Air Upgrades and Repairs 49,915 Postpone upgrades to heating and air conditioning systems <br /> until the septic and well system problems are addressed. <br /> Orange Enterprises Planning and design funds 10,500 Include funding for planning and design of the proposed <br /> building addition in the alternative financing plan. <br /> Improvements and repairs at existing recreation facilities and parks throughout the BOCC may wish to consider leaving some portion of these <br /> Recreation Center/Park Improvements County. Examples of improvements funded from this project in prior years include funds in tact($50,000 to$75,000)to address potential <br /> resurfacing a areas with protective covering and replacing broken playground 152,610 <br /> 9 P Y P 9 P 9 P Y9 playground or facility safety issues that may arise during the <br /> equipment at NHSC and resurfacing the walking track located at the rear of WHSC upcoming fiscal year. <br /> Funds set aside in previous years to encourage economic development in Orange <br /> Utility Extension Development County by providing funds to finance utility extension development for commercial 166,572 Staff does not foresee needing these funds in the next twelve <br /> entities. months. <br /> Sub-Total 1,473,122 <br /> Tax Rate Equivalent(in cents) 1.59 <br />