Orange County NC Website
6/19/0 , At*ent 1 <br /> How to Make Up the $3.1 Million in State Withholdings <br /> Amount to <br /> Decision Point 2. Defer/Delay for Cumulative <br /> Fy 2002-03 Total <br /> Delay other pay-as-you-go funded County capital projects <br /> a. included in the Manager's Recommended CIP for funding in $807,230 $3,100,480 <br /> fiscal year 2002-03(choose from list below a-1 through a-9): <br /> Amt of Pay-As- <br /> Project Title You-Go Funds Comment/Impact of Deferral <br /> Recom for FY <br /> 2002-03 <br /> a-1. Information Technology $200,000 Should the BOCC decide to defer this amount along with the$70,250 included in <br /> Decision Point 1-d,there would still be approximately$130,000 to address <br /> "emergency needs" in the upcoming fiscal year(as identified by the Information <br /> Technology Director) <br /> a-2. Lands Legacy $400,000 Deferral of this amount leaves$100,000 appropriated in the Lands Legacy project for <br /> fiscal year 2002-03 to pay debt associated with the purchase of Seven Mile Creek <br /> (approved by the BOCC during the 2001-02 fiscal year) <br /> a� <br /> cc <br /> m <br /> w a-3. Northern Human Services Center $85,000 Deferral of this amount leaves approximately$140,000 in place to address septic <br /> and well system problems at NHSC. The BOCC may wish to use November 2001 <br /> bond funds to purchase land related to increasing the capacity of the septic system <br /> should additional funds be needed <br /> a-4. Old Courthouse $50,000 Funds would be used for exterior brick and mortar restoration. <br /> a-5. Orange Enterprises $15,000 These funds would be used for planning and design of the building addition at <br /> Orange Enterprises. The BOCC may wish to replace these pay-as-you-go monies <br /> with funds from the planned January 2003 alternative financing proposal. <br /> a-6. Roofing Projects $100,000 Deferral of this amount leaves no funds available for next year <br />