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ye. ove <br /> 6/17/02 <br /> NCACC Status Report on Sales Tax& Local Revenue Securi , Bills <br /> RELIEF PROPOSED FOR COUNTIES' MEDICAID COSTS <br /> Legislation introduced last week in the House would enable counties to enact a one-half <br /> percent local option sales tax early in the upcoming fiscal year and earmark an additional <br /> one-half percent state sales tax to reduce county Medicaid costs. The bills contemplate <br /> the elimination of reimbursements to cities and counties. H1632 and H1633, both <br /> introduced by Rep. Russell Tucker (Duplin), are companion bills. H1632 removes the <br /> July 1, 2003 "sunset" on the sales tax scheduled to become a local sales tax on that date <br /> and transfers the proceeds from the half-cent tax to the Department of Health and Human <br /> Services to reduce the county share of Medicaid costs beginning in 2003-2004. H1633 <br /> would permit counties to levy a one-half percent sales tax effective August 1, 2002. It <br /> includes the hold harmless provision contained in the bill enacted in 2001 authorizing the <br /> local option tax and allows an abbreviated provision for notifying the Department of <br /> Revenue of county action to levy the tax. <br /> SENATE CONSIDERS ACCELERATED LOCAL SALES TAX OPTION <br /> The Senate last week approved a revenue package that includes authority for counties to <br /> enact a one-half percent sales tax effective in the upcoming fiscal year rather than July 1, <br /> 2003 as provided by the 2001 Budget Act. S1292 was approved by the Senate Finance <br /> Committee June 11 and debated on the Senate floor the next day. The bill would enable <br /> counties to levy a one-half percent sales tax to be effective August 1, 2002 and would <br /> provide funds to hold harmless local jurisdictions that receive less from the new %z cent <br /> sales tax than they currently receive as reimbursements for local taxes previously <br /> repealed by the General Assembly. <br /> The Senate also approved a floor amendment to the bill incorporating provisions of other <br /> bills that are designed to secure local revenues from action by the Governor when dealing <br /> with state budget shortfalls. See below for House action on local revenue security <br /> legislation. 51292 was approved by the Senate on second reading Wednesday, June 12 <br /> and on third reading on Thursday, June 13. It goes on to the House for consideration. <br /> HOUSE DEBATES LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE SECURITY <br /> The House last week considered legislation to protect local revenues from action by the <br /> Governor when taking action to balance the State's budget. H1490, introduced by <br /> several members of the House, was favorably reported by the House Finance Committee <br /> on June 11 and sent to the House floor for debate on Thursday, June 13 where it was <br /> approved on second and third reading. It goes on to the Senate for consideration. The <br /> legislation would amend the Executive Budget Act and a number of other statutes to <br /> make it clear that revenues earmarked or appropriated to local governments, or taxes <br /> collected for local governments by the state, could not the "sequestered" or frozen by the <br /> Governor without legislative authorization unless all other funding sources have been <br /> exhausted. <br />