DocuSign Envelope ID: FBE5A7D4-AF46-4AE8-8A23-2D738A9E441A
<br /> IIIIIPjtllklliftl 001110,00,00 I,0 0 Iva
<br /> faCI,000i-lsrvit Irriulitlk,!!.,.6„„NCY..1":"'"„GR.fittstittitinT
<br /> (Constrit"fildieslints"'Worth 20101 for guidinee'its,complete tr olitin fain
<br /> otitis filttaitiSliVE I tit:A AGENCY,AGREEMENE("Agreemnat")lit emerse/IAD profits rah Elli,,,,,,,..,
<br /> maw=
<br /> as rArlyetto cmuyeen),
<br /> rod.
<br /> ("limit)
<br /> meshatire seem to esteist the Buyer:71/the stiostison of red
<br /> insparty white /nay include stry pp/abase,op rt on Actior
<br /> essitet„,,,e on tenon and conditions sestreAde to Truyer.'110 innivithar crina who gists deb Aart,tement on trefigh of trio hies sitill,„on
<br /> behalf of the linir, he pfirrosity tespentible for ansurinu dot tin Ficatie intity heron otto sett fitifill owsteet, it is Arderrissed sand
<br /> agreed den other agents of the film rnsy an arrived it fithilli inch her if Atembin a toteptiron Issr)Jthe RAE fair,ntrierstsor of Ens
<br /> Akstertmest, Ort dim"Finit as the context may tvoing nen be rot meth to entinsle die target/1as'1.'agent wan sr,:att GIs Agreement ran
<br /> my oder agents Write HAP
<br /> dide sr this Agree/tint t.,„ trie rtnianr is sot .,/, otery so a Istreer or on nil ire.d
<br /> er it.:tria to ortcad,,li, tinny of the friVaroSING It"1.!.:1".M0 entrittri EtEfir,,YE Afill"770('
<br /> Itunelistre gni his reepere it loth litttie„ „ ti.treser reprences II it it'!';uptte furs finitittain lc ifiston fittiembitess nista any
<br /> to letup/rate ,tf lit s lity or„s'J't scribed iti.pi/on tenth 1 Pelee
<br /> it tort triter attabottene nem.
<br /> 1. Tar tit OF FRElohnstrYi 0 Ratineutirl iimpartril and imirehrtureht It:fit Commonest(improved„trtril i trimprovio7)
<br /> iiil Other
<br /> ith Conentialachtion:SIC filiglassigt 70 Corritior OE taseespitttipe ilit11„,alsoratifith
<br /> rfiyindas, linattiterit, focus south oth atioilistary Patecl. Sta.tion
<br /> 2.. i'l 15171(tCT OF AG! 14 Buyer intends to argaini real sionerty of hie type,IO„.;!"-atitied hi tretteysph.1.By empknting Firm as
<br /> Buyer's exclusive agent, Buyer agrees to ,:tssuf,..,,,/all negotiations for arch property through Firm, tmet to sefts to Firm all ntquiries
<br /> received in arryform fretn,:other real estate/Isms,pi-,v..yvec 'five sellers or 4,,,,:ny other source,div;:f,,'..):....1 the fiv....,::::...'this Agree nv:!,:'is its effect
<br /> 3. ):,,,,,u1,13:....,rnf•y!,,,,:i):1:....11?A,Gitt-ecwc,irciyiL'a atryoll ty ajilt-Aryees.exclusive erat sheaf'heel ttrah 20,, 2017 tod resilient•
<br /> to pitrintenth4„shall eantes at,ratiiinight„ [04/s2ttite _ „. to whet. ir
<br /> „slayer istetunsts hied prorterty or the tyra
<br /> rival sash 1,whirr! 'yam syster roamer.
<br /> 4, COPav'ENSATIPIN OF Pt 11Ir 0004.
<br /> 0 w:r110.4tonra.,..,,,,,4,0 or:{.;:V.1116,Z A.,10,f......'Al, tffil...1...:017 of 1! —On
<br /> (s)Eno.sekdouttedges receipt of a f 1/04 ''l s f 4 a ',..Velt
<br /> P r-
<br /> E j i Pr ill [;),(1 it all not be crain tit te tit wit-I itly soribelvidon due him'vette tit Chit A,..,,,,,sse tetro7
<br /> ass r,,,"eiyar.agrees that thisnits fire fur tervirrea herettodat shall be irt Ms.atattunt of"Al 50tilecuts try to 112111„._ toe_ete
<br /> sotts,,diteeti Artaing t s 's it auceerris Eita_ingiAl at clopidy_
<br /> for ternattli_patrelleat,:,!;!'„),(tti. .tis„!„.„t ce_22221(Tee)
<br /> (insert.evtlar antotens,pesce,,,,,..":.,:ote of purchase pries, or other method of determining Etroth cessenthattion for each type of
<br /> properly e nyes„ti..Jint purchase,such as morale,new constrvelion„land/lot l'jo:,:r dfor oweptereated seller,Do o 1:Is insets„.:!...,,,f1A or a
<br /> zero($0111,,
<br /> (I.), Firm nal sok the F . tom s viartiosing bating firm ithrecien the tiring firm's slier of catoperession in tinat or
<br /> (Olean bet or Coe the seller if there ite no hiring trim, ern sayer aterses,the Irina trail be entidoi ty receive is or, in
<br /> °Duster toasts for ittAres sertioes theresode.
<br /> (ii) If.Buyer' Shoes urn:truths wee=the conentrestion.t„ithered by_to c'Ends„„t"Ind and/or softer is less eart the hie, or whirr
<br /> no sertspensatirto is orrozed1hy the e 1.iyin n first or die tiller,Brous sad Firm,iaree that Buyer will.,!,„,,,s'y the dillethese
<br /> between. the Bee surd tiAljr:4,* 446.!. 1.1,51 dt,':,t 11 igr'4,1 '11'11PO4,3; prolibited by lbw, 'firth bra. timely ,fitifire. Buyer if ire
<br /> craspestraion offered is Lis ter
<br /> (lit) IT additions". ocareednerlon, itiolus,rebate ttotEthentsir tor,fable consietatolon ("tatetitiator Co s'f s.!.,sst.',iisi. . is
<br /> odEroissi through the it OLA or otheretion Buyer will permit the Finn to receive in in sedition totter"Fee.Firm shill timely
<br /> dinettes tee proteins or expattor ion of recrei riot eery a„„itt'l!Anditional Cmoremarahro and confirm the
<br /> before Buyer to•titer r rt...oreths ito order to it„....!ly,„(Now NC.YRI atto alt7t)may be used to oradfies the dhstotor•of..
<br /> or i'y
<br /> net tts„..stilitroll Corbottertitton)
<br /> (c)The etainprinestion atoll be.."7„"ttnied itever.under tr.y of tie'folio wing cinerpostirtress
<br /> (1) 11, during the ett-„ra of this Agarement,Boyer, may assignee litt„toyer or sty sosta„,!teriettil entity seringInG heentlf Of Buyer
<br /> directly or indireetly enters into m atonement is pornboth ototoos, isodlOr exchurge racy i,t.hputy of the toss despair'ii
<br /> above revolters of the manner in ranch itoper tact,
<br /> etc is'„.@troli yr,or
<br /> Lit oil Pier I of 5 t,t'''!„,litif ti.Fag"'"it 201.
<br /> 113000110 ' o,,,,..:r il...:9:t.,i 7,206
<br /> ...,...........,....,.. „,,...,,......,.,..,,..... .....,
<br /> insittitt"nal Ages isatirds „„,„„, to Buyer ii,:titiot s
<br /> . it.
<br /> Ant.r'.:11/4104 kred:Eft*re Boa 52118 nithfir"or.,,,!'''':':!'i cc,,,,,,19,049.0104.0195 Pa.; 010°19400300010.523 UMW
<br /> Man,6114,611 PVINhiaid Illel•APPone bi*luck ism rare fallSolaced,Prow,OVAI0 0000 00000 0,444 00°100d°0000#000001000000t''0000:,*#04
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