Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:8E87460E-053E-4F51-836A-0798AA5D163E <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> 3. Health Benefits <br /> 4. Overhead: 15%of salary, benefits and taxes <br /> 5. Mileage: .535/mile for up to 200 miles per month per full time navigator and pro-rated <br /> for navigators working less than full time <br /> 6. Training: $500 per navigator <br /> 7. Payroll processing <br /> 8. Case Supervision: $7,200 ($600/month) <br /> Provider Deliverables: <br /> 1. Complete a site orientation protocol for each navigator within the first month of <br /> navigator employment with agency. <br /> 2. Review weekly activity reports from each Zone 4 Navigator. Report any concerns with <br /> navigator performance to FSA Program Manager. <br /> 3. Meet monthly with FSA Project Manager to check in and review priorities and <br /> challenges. <br /> 4. Provide a quarterly report on clinical supervision using form created by OCHD to track <br /> training topics covered, needed action steps and other relevant notes. <br /> 5. Provide timely monthly invoices. Payment will be processed within 2-3 weeks of receipt <br /> of invoice. <br /> 6. Provide a quarterly expense and performance report (no later than October 15,January <br /> 15, April 15, and July 15)that documents each budget category and include receipts as <br /> appropriate to FSA Program Manager. FSA Program Manager will provide the template <br /> to be used. <br /> 7. Conduct a formal 6 month performance review for new hires and an annual review at <br /> one year with the FSA Program Manager. <br />