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<br />Orange County Child Care <br />DAY CARE TASK FORCE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHILD <br />CARE SUBSIDY FUNDING <br />INTRODIICTION <br />In Tune of 2004 The Orange County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) set aside "$100,000 from <br />the social safety net and designate[d] it for child care subsidies" (Attachment 1). Dee Gamble, <br />then Chary of the Orange County Departmern of Social Services Boazd, created a cask force in <br />July of 2004 to respond to the request by the County Boazd of Commissioners, to study issues <br />and needs for day care subsidies in Orange Coumy in order to advise the DSS Board and the <br />BOCC on the dispersion of the $100,000, The Task Force members include Margaret Brown <br />representing the BOCC, Michele Rivest from the Partnership for Young Children, Kate Sanford <br />from the Orange County Child Caze Coalition ,Nancy Coston and Kathy Snethen from the <br />Orange Cou~y Deparhne~ of Social Services (DSS), Teresa Derrick from the Child Caze <br />Services Association, Sharon Iimton from the Orange Cou~y Manager's Office and Dee <br />Gamble. This Committee represented the broad spectrum of knowledgeable stakeholders who <br />have advocated for quality child caze in Orange Courrty. Diane Reid, Director of Economic <br />Development, provided information on economic issues needed by the Task Force. Lindsey <br />Shewmaker from Orange County DSS provided staff support, <br />The Task Force reported to the ASS Boazd on three occasions, keeping it informed of the process <br />and potential recommendations. It also reported to the BOCC on December 18 to provide a <br />preliminary report, at the same time requesting that these funds be placed in a tnust fund for child <br />care subsidies. At that time the BOCC released $50,000 to be encumbered for childcare <br />subsidies, with the rema~n;ng $50,000 to be considered for release after receiving the final report. <br />This report provides a broad picture of the significant co~ribution that child care subsidies make <br />to working faznilies receiving them, to the children who benefit directly from the care, and to the <br />economic well-being of the county as a whole. It also contains discussion of the issues examined, <br />documerns that describe the current resources and current needs for child care subsidies, and a <br />description of the considerable economic advantage for both families and businesses that child <br />care subsidies provide, Finally, this report provides recommendations for how best to use the <br />$100,000 trust fund set aside by the BOCC for child caze subsidies. <br />NEED, RESOIIRCES, STRIICTIIRES AND CIIRRENT POLICIES <br />Why is Child Care Necessary? <br />Child care is an importarn and necessary part of the lives of most working families in Orange <br />County, Parents or guardians may utilize child care £or a variety of reasons. The pazern(s) may <br />work full or part-time, attend school, have an illness necessitating child supervision, or require a <br />break from the demands of child care. Without available childcare, a pazem/guazdian may be in <br />danger of losing a job or forced to leave a child in less than ideal conditions. For the majority of <br />families there are relatively few options for safe and secure child care.. Families may utilize <br />relatives, babysitters, and neighbors, but most tend to seek more permanent solutions in the form <br />of licensed childcare centers.. <br />