Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT B <br />DRAFT LETTER TO PROPOSED TASK FARCE MEMBERS <br />Dear <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners has created a new child care task force to create <br />community awareness of and support for the benefits of early childhood education, <br />to increase private, business and public financial contributions for child care subsidies or <br />scholarships and to improve workplace support for children and families. This task force will <br />have representation from employers, government officials and child care providers and will <br />report its recommendations directly to the Board of Commissioners, We believe that the <br />participation of your organization is critical and would ask that you appoint one representative <br />who is willing to participate actively in these discussions, <br />The task farce will work to develop recommendations far improving the community's response <br />to the needs of working families with young children, We know that we have better employees <br />when these parents know that their children are safe and are in quality programs, Dependable <br />child care also results in better employee attendance. For many Orange County families, <br />attaining such child care has become very expensive and many families need subsidies to be <br />able to afford quality care, The waiting list for subsidy continues to be significant in Orange <br />County with little hope of relief through additional federal or state funds. <br />Through establishment of this task force, the Orange County Board of Commissioners is <br />acknowledging the problem facing both the families and the employers as child care becomes <br />harder to attain, The goal for the task force is to work toward community solutions for these <br />issues. <br />The County is committed to using the time of the committee members effectively and <br />appreciates your interest in the needs of employees with small children. The organizational <br />meeting of the task force will be on Aprii 18tH at 1:00 at Southern Human Services. Please let <br />either Nancy Coston at (245-2802) or Sharron Hinton at <br />shinton , (245-2302) of your appointment to this important task force, They will <br />also be willing to answer any questions you may have, <br />