Orange County NC Website
TRIANGLE AREA WATER SUPPLY MONITORING PROJECT <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br /> Section 1. Purpose of the Monitoring Project <br /> A. The primary objectives of the Monitoring Project continue to be to: <br /> 1. Supplement existing data on major ions, nutrients, and trace elements to enable <br /> determination of long-term water quality trends; <br /> 2. Examine the differences in water quality among water supplies within the region, <br /> especially differences among smaller upland sources, large multi-purpose reservoirs, <br /> and run-of-river supplies; <br /> 3. Provide tributary loading data and in-lake data for predictive modeling; <br /> 4. Establish a database for constituents of concern in surface waters in the region; and <br /> 5. Report results of the monitoring program to governmental officials, the scientific <br /> community, and the general public. <br /> B. The objectives for Phase VIII of the Monitoring Project are to: <br /> 1. Continue fixed-interval water quality monitoring at the sites and frequencies and for <br /> the parameters listed on Table 1 of the Monitoring Project Proposal for Phase VII (see <br /> Attachment C); <br /> 2. Continue water quality data collection at existing tributary sites during high-flow <br /> events, which include those that exceed the historical 75th percentile of daily flow at <br /> any station, as shown on Table 2 of Attachment C; <br /> 3. Continue stream flow gaging at the sites shown on Table 3 of Attachment C; <br /> 4. Conduct additional monitoring and data analysis to ascertain the occurrence and <br /> distribution of additional parameters of concern to local water suppliers, to include <br /> bromide, chromium (hexavalent, trivalent, and total), and 1,4-dioxane in the <br /> Monitoring Project study area; <br /> 5. Summarize Monitoring Project water-quality data in a series of 3 biennial reports <br /> covering the following periods: 2016-2017; 2018-2019; and 2020-2021), anticipated <br /> to be produced by the end of September in the year following respective data <br /> collection; <br /> 6. Produce a fact sheet suitable for the general public that describes the TAWSMP <br /> history, objectives, data-collection network, water-quality concerns,'and resources for <br /> obtaining detailed information by the end of FYI 9; and, <br /> 7. Expand Monitoring Project Participant base with additional entities. <br /> Section 2. Roles of the Participants, Managing Agent, and Committee <br /> A. The role of the Participants is to provide funds for the local portion of the Monitoring <br /> Project costs and to appoint representatives to the Committee. <br /> B. The Managing Agent is the Triangle J Council of Governments. The role of the <br /> Managing Agent is to: <br /> 1. Enter into Monitoring Project contracts recommended by the Committee; <br /> 2. Provide overall Monitoring Project management services that will include, but not be <br /> limited to, coordination among technical contractors, data management and periodic <br /> summaries to the Participants; and <br />