Orange County NC Website
<br />5.1 GovDeals will invoice Client for fees on a periodic basis.. Client agrees to remit <br />payment to GovDeals within thirty (.30) calendar days, unless an applicable prompt <br />payment act or similar legislation specifies a different time period.. <br />5.2 Client shall promptly, but not more than sixty (60) calendar days after the sale date, <br />notify GovDeals of any transaction that was not consummated. The fees for said <br />transaction shall be credited to the Client during the next invoice period. <br />6.0 Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on the date it is signed by the <br />second party to do so and will continue for a period of twelve months unless otherwise <br />terminated upon sixty days written notice by either party. This Agreement shall be <br />automatically extended for additional one-year periods, unless either party notifies the <br />other in writing of its intent not to renew at least sixty days prior to the anniversary date. <br />Either party may request a re-negotiation of the terms hereof during a period sixty days <br />prior to the anniversazy date of this Agreement. Any charges owed either party prior to <br />terminating the agreement will remain payable <br />7.0 Right to Sell and Content: Client will only post items to the GovDeals auction site that <br />the Client has the legal right to sell or dispose of to qualified buyers. Any information <br />posted will be accurate to the best of Client's ability and not contain anything of a <br />pornographic or objectionable nature. Client agrees to only use links to digital pictures of <br />associated assets as provided for in the GovDeals software, and will not create links to any <br />other site, text or other information without the written consent of GovDeals. <br />8.0 Online Sales -Terms and Conditions: Attached hereto are model Online Sales -Terms <br />and Conditions for use by client. At any time during the term of this Agreement, Client <br />may modify the Terms and Conditions. Said substitution modification must be submitted <br />to GovDeals in writing for posting to the GovDeals auction site. The Terrns and <br />Conditions posted to the GovDeals auction site shall not modify, amend or affect the <br />provisions of this Agreement <br />9.0 Information and Security: <br />9.1 Client agrees that GovDeals is not responsible for the accuracy of information <br />provided to it by seller(s) and/or buyer(s). GovDeals will use reasonable efforts to <br />protect information that is on its web site from inappropriate use and loss. <br />9.2 Client grants GovDeals anon-exclusive, non-transferable, irrevocable, and royalty- <br />free right to exercise any copyright or publicity rights Client may have in the <br />information it posts to the GovDeals server(s). GovDeals agrees to use this <br />information only for its intended purpose in support of this Agreement. <br />10.0 Interference: Client will not use any programs, routines, or applications in connection <br />with GovDeals that will interfere with the operation of the software or site. Specifically, <br />the Client will only communicate with the GovDeals Auction Server by using software and <br />applications that GovDeals provides or specifically approves in writing. <br />GovDeals Sellers Agreement -V.4.5 - 2.25.05 <br />Page 3 <br />Copyright 2001, GovDeals, Inc. <br />