Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> scoring. These bicycle projects were also removed during the last TARPO prioritization <br /> process, which is repeated every two-years. Since bicycle projects remain a high <br /> priority for Orange County they are retained on its internal, BOCC approved, priority <br /> lists. Bicycle and pedestrian funding has been severely limited in scoring and allocation <br /> in the new Strategic Transportation Investments law funding formula. This may be <br /> helpful for messaging purposes in support of multi-modal transportation and could be <br /> helpful to have on a local list of priorities if additional funding is identified in the future or <br /> shifted from the current highway focus. <br /> It should be noted that the Bicycle/Pedestrian projects submitted by Chatham, Lee, and <br /> Moore Counties are all projects that are located within their respective municipalities. <br /> Orange County's municipalities submit their projects to the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, which is why it has such a small number <br /> of projects in comparison to other TARPO counties. Since NCDOT will not maintain <br /> and assume liability for sidewalks within its right-of-way, counties have not pursued <br /> sidewalk projects outside municipal boundaries, except in very few cases through multi- <br /> party agreements. <br /> The TARPO project list, as approved by the BOCC last month, is provided <br /> as Attachment 2. <br /> Craig Benedict, Planning Director, has indicated that he will be available throughout the <br /> June 6 BOCC meeting for any additional context or questions. <br />