Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Attachment <br /> Legal Description—Changes to Carrboro Extraterritorial Jurisdiction—NC Hwy 54 West <br /> Expanding the Carrboro ETJ to encompass five of the seven lots represented by the Atwater Subdivision <br /> DB 23 PG 40 (attached), excepting lots 4 and 5 which parcels are already within the corporate limits of <br /> the Town of Carrboro, The new area to be added to the Carrboro ETJ can be described as beginning at <br /> the eastern side of said subdivision from the existing ETJ lines intersection (280' from the centerline of <br /> NC HW 54) with Lot l's (OC PIN 9769319894) Hatch Road right-of-way boundary, proceeding N27°02'W <br /> to the northeastern corner of Lot 1, thence bearing N70"]4'VV14].15 feet toa point, thence 589"]1'VV <br /> 145.07 feet to a point in the center of a creek and forming the northwest corner of lot 1, thence <br /> 589"]1'VV55.86 feet toa point, thence 589"]1'VV202.17 feet toa point, thence 589"]1'VV20]36feet <br /> to a point, thence 589°31'W 200 feet to a point, thence 589°31'W 60 feet to a point(the northeastern <br /> corner of lot 6 (O[ PIN 9769219629)),thence 589"]1'VV200 feet toa point,thence 589"]1'VV180.67 <br /> feet to a point, thence 501"20'VVto intersect with the existing ETJ line 280'from the centerline of NC <br /> HW 54. <br />