Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> three times higher the state average of 4%. <br /> o 6%* of youth have dangerous sexual practices. Six youth, or 5%, had sexually <br /> victimized others, higher than the state average of 3%. <br /> o 45% of youth need more mental health assessment, an increase of 30% from FY 14-15 <br /> and above the state average of 35%. <br /> o 46% of youth have domestic discord or violence in the home, an increase of 43% from <br /> FY 14-15. 26% of youth with conflict in the home are experiencing domestic violence. <br /> o 63% of adjudicated youth come from homes where parents/guardians have marginal to <br /> inadequate family supervision skills. <br /> o 15% of youth have a parent/guardian with a disability, an increase of 58% from FY 14-15 <br /> and above the state average of 5%. <br /> o 28%* of adjudicated youth have family alcohol/drug abuse in the home, higher than the <br /> state average of 11%. <br /> o 52% of adjudicated youth come from homes where family members have criminal history <br /> and an additional 7% are under active court supervision or have gang involvement. <br /> Part III. Resource Assessment Summary <br /> JCPC Funded Programs: FY 17-18 <br /> 1. Boomerang <br /> 2. Child & Adolescent Outpatient Services <br /> 3. Family Advocacy Network <br /> 4. Juvenile Community Service &Restitution <br /> 5. Mediation/Conflict Resolution <br /> 6. Psychological Services <br /> 7. Teen Court <br /> 8. Wrenn House <br /> 9. Young Warriors <br /> Community Resources <br /> Community resources are sometimes available but can be difficult to access. See Orange County <br /> Continuum of Services—At a Glance for a listing of available community resources. <br /> Part IV. Summary of Gaps and Barriers in the Continuum of Services <br /> o While Orange County is not large, transportation is a bai7ier for many youth, especially <br /> those in Northern Orange County where public transportation is not available. <br /> Additionally, the cost of gas is an inhibitor to accessing services, including court ordered <br /> sanctions and therapy sessions. One of the major services providers has reduced services <br /> in the home. <br />