Agenda - 06-20-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-20-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
6/16/2017 3:48:13 PM
Creation date
6/16/2017 3:47:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-20-2017
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2 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> 3 Commissioner Marcoplos pulled item 6-c from the May 2nd meeting for review at a <br /> 4 meeting in June. <br /> 5 Commissioner Marcoplos said he would like the County to set up a local <br /> 6 planners/developers group to meet regularly to improve the planning process, and discuss <br /> 7 issues of mutual concern. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee arrived at 7:08 p.m. <br /> 9 Commissioner Price said there are senior citizens on limited incomes that may not be <br /> 10 aware of available nutritional programs, and asked if Janice Tyler, Department on Aging <br /> 11 Director, and Todd McGee, Community Relations Director, would work together on an outreach <br /> 12 method to promote these programs. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price said Cardinal Innovations and the Orange-Person-Chatham (OPC) <br /> 14 group met with the Alamance-Caswell group last week, and it was suggested that they meet as <br /> 15 a unit four times a year, for a year, and see how this works out. <br /> 16 Commissioner Rich referred to Commissioner Marcoplos' pulling of item 6-c, and asked <br /> 17 if doing so would have any ramifications on the vote that was taken that evening. <br /> 18 John Roberts said until the Board of County Commissioners votes, otherwise the vote <br /> 19 stands; and on June 6 the Board of County Commissioners can re-discuss this, and vote if <br /> 20 needed. <br /> 21 Commissioner Rich said the Chapel Hill Library has been hosting some coffee pop-ups <br /> 22 in the past year, and there will now be a regular coffee stand hosted by Gray Squirrel. She said <br /> 23 the library is attempting a book mobile again that will bring books to different events around <br /> 24 town, and she would like staff to follow this as a possible option for Orange County to look into <br /> 25 in the future. <br /> 26 Commissioner Burroughs had no comments. <br /> 27 Commissioner Jacobs said small business week was never posted on the County <br /> 28 calendar on the website. <br /> 29 Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC received a letter from Emergency Services <br /> 30 several months ago, requesting to rename the Emergency Services building after Nick Waters. <br /> 31 He asked if staff would follow up on this request, and put this on an upcoming agenda, if <br /> 32 necessary. <br /> 33 Commissioner Jacobs said he and Commissioner Marcoplos recently attended the <br /> 34 Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) meeting, and North Carolina <br /> 35 Secretary of Transportation, James Trogdon, spoke about lobbying for new transportation <br /> 36 project monies, and adding another 130 projects. He said by 2021, the Department of <br /> 37 Transportation (DOT) expects autonomous vehicles to be on the market, and the Department is <br /> 38 trying to plan accordingly. He said the DOT is looking to fund local projects in the $1-2 million <br /> 39 range, through the mobility program. <br /> 40 Commissioner Jacobs thanked Mike Mills, NCDOT, for finding an interim solution for the <br /> 41 bridge across Orange Grove Road. <br /> 42 Commissioner McKee said he was late due to a phone call from someone who had <br /> 43 concerns about the lack of internet access, and concerns about fire department response times <br /> 44 and number of trucks sent out on calls. He said he will follow up with the Manager about these <br /> 45 items. <br /> 46 Commissioner McKee said he received a call earlier today about the potential closing of <br /> 47 a mental health group home, and would also discuss this with the Manager. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> 50 a. Emergency Medical Services Week Proclamation <br />
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