Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> 1 Bonnie Hammersley said16.2% was in the minutes of the September 8, 2016 work <br /> 2 session, and she brought forward this consensus tonight. She said it is up to the Board of <br /> 3 County Commissioners as to what number feels best. <br /> 4 Discussion ensued. <br /> 5 Bonnie Hammersley said the operating capital number does not go on the per pupil; only <br /> 6 current expense goes to per pupil. She said the increase will go on the entire package, not the <br /> 7 per pupil; only current expense goes towards the per pupil. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee clarified that this would go on top of the per pupil. <br /> 9 Bonnie Hammersley said the recommended budget has the per pupil at $123, and it <br /> 10 would remain here. She said the amount of dollars that would go towards the schools would <br /> 11 increase, and the target would increase, which is at 48.8%. She said this money does not go <br /> 12 against the per pupil cost as it is outside of current expenses, and the State keeps track of <br /> 13 current expenses. <br /> 14 Commissioner Price said Davenport recommends 16.7%. <br /> 15 Mitch Brigulio said Davenport would recommend having the policy stay where it is, which <br /> 16 is the most beneficial in terms of speaking with the rating agencies. He said rating agencies <br /> 17 like there to be a policy, and for the County to strive to stay in line with it. He said changing the <br /> 18 policy is not necessarily an issue, but there should be a clear reason for changing it. He said if <br /> 19 the Board of County Commissioners wanted to change the policy, Davenport would recommend <br /> 20 it range between 16-17%; however, the reason behind the change is more important to <br /> 21 Davenport, and being able to convey the reason to the ratings agencies. <br /> 22 Commissioner Price asked if 16.7% is a good number because it is two months of <br /> 23 expenditures. <br /> 24 Mitch Brigulio said he does not know if this represents two months of expenditures, but <br /> 25 16.7% is a reasonable level. He said other AAA counties range from 15-20%, and 16-17% <br /> 26 makes sense. He said 17% would be the easiest to discuss with the credit rating markets <br /> 27 because it would show no change, but the greatest consideration is to have justification for any <br /> 28 changes that are made. <br /> 29 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there have been any great fund balance tragedies in <br /> 30 North Carolina. <br /> 31 Mitch Brigulio said the 8% state statute minimum requirement is the absolute minimum <br /> 32 that a county and city would need to cash flow throughout the year. He said on top of that there <br /> 33 are some additional cushions that are helpful to be able to cash flow more on your accounts. <br /> 34 He said natural disasters, opportunities to purchase land, etc. are good examples for what the <br /> 35 fund balance could be used for. <br /> 36 Commissioner Marcoplos said he previously asked another Davenport colleague if a <br /> 37 14% fund balance would be acceptable, and that colleague said this would not be a damaging <br /> 38 fund balance, and the County would maintain a good credit rating. <br /> 39 Mitch Brigulio referred to page 10 of the Davenport presentation, and reviewed the AAA <br /> 40 rating charts across the state and nation. He said the County's current percentage is right on <br /> 41 the state median for AAA rated counties, but on a pure dollar basis Orange County has the <br /> 42 lowest dollar amount of unassigned fund balance of all AAA rated counties in NC. <br /> 43 Commissioner Burroughs said the County's policy is a percent of expenditures, and is <br /> 44 slightly more conservative than percent of revenues. <br /> 45 Mitch Brigulio said in 2016 the revenues were slightly higher than the expenditures for <br /> 46 the purposes of Moody's calculations, and the same dollar amount on a higher denominator <br /> 47 equals a lower percentage. He said a percent of revenues would be a little more conservative, <br /> 48 because it would give you the lower percentage. <br />