Orange County NC Website
VAS <br /> �1 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br /> BETWEEN ORANGE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY AND ORANGE COUNTY <br /> RELATING TO OPERATION OF A SEWER MAIN EXTENSION PROJECT IN THE ROGERS <br /> ROAD AREA <br /> This Interlocal Agreement is entered into by and between Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br /> (hereinafter"OWASA"), a special purpose entity of local government organized under Chapter 162A, <br /> North Carolina General Statutes,and the County of Orange (hereinafter"County"), organized under <br /> Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br /> WHEREAS,the County desires OWASA to operate the newly constructed sewer main extension <br /> Project("Project")that the County will cause to be constructed and that this sewer main must serve <br /> certain properties located in the Rogers Road Service Area(hereinafter"RRSA"),and OWASA has <br /> agreed to do so, in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions contained herein; and <br /> WHEREAS,the RRSA, including the properties therein to be served in accordance with this <br /> Interlocal Agreement, are shown on Exhibit A, attached, which is hereby incorporated;the original <br /> residential lots and parcels to be served by this Project are sometimes referred to herein as the"Legacy <br /> Lots." Other lots or parcels which may be served by the Project improvements are also shown thereon. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,the parties agree as follows: <br /> 1. Construction of the Project to OWASA standards and specifications and payment of the costs of <br /> that system construction are the responsibility of County. OWASA will assist as requested by the County <br /> in construction inspection, and shall have the right of final approval for the completed construction, or to <br /> require final adjustments to the work, before any discharge is allowed into the existing OWASA <br /> collection system. The County represents and warrants that at the time the completed system is turned <br /> over to and accepted by OWASA for operation and maintenance, County will have paid, or made <br />