Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 133C432C-0514-4837-8999-132431 C9AF4D <br /> Exhibit A -Page 3 of 6 <br /> Scope of Services: Economic Development Site Related SWOT Analysis <br /> May 2017 <br /> carry out further analysis of all the possible threats and disadvantages to make sure that they <br /> have been planned for in advance. <br /> • Political Factors(P): Government policies and regulations, taxes, incentives, and other <br /> business climate influencers. <br /> • Economic Factors(E): Factors such as interest rates, geopolitical stability, inflation, and <br /> other economic trends. <br /> • Socio-Cultural Factors(S):Socio-cultural aspects such as demographics, lifestyle choice <br /> availability, education, and other factors that might impact client attitude and <br /> perception. <br /> • Technological Factors(T): Factors that impact technological processes, innovation, <br /> adoption, and adaptability. <br /> The results of the PEST Exercise will enable a more comprehensive identification of <br /> Opportunities and Threats during small group the small group SWOT Analysis. <br /> 4. After the site presentations and PEST Exercise are complete, participants will be divided into <br /> small groups. Each small group will receive EDD and CITAN assignments. <br /> 5. The small group will perform a SWOT Analysis on their assigned site(s).The small groups will <br /> perform a SWOT analysis for each of their assigned site to identify the position of each site <br /> relative to the market, potential clients, and the competition. <br /> Since the main purpose of a SWOT analysis is strategy formation,the small group will be asked <br /> to rank the factors in each quadrant from most critical to least critical. <br /> • Strengths(5) - internal attributes and resources that support a successful outcome for <br /> the site. <br /> • Weaknesses (W) - internal and attributes resources that work against a successful <br /> outcome for the site. <br /> • Opportunities(0) -external factors the site can capitalize on or use to its advantage. <br /> • Threats(T) -external factors that could jeopardize the site's success. Note:The SWOT <br /> analysis template that will be given to each group is included in the Exhibit section of <br /> this proposal. <br /> 6. Group Processing: Each of the groups will present their SWOT analysis in a large group setting. <br /> Participants will be encouraged to provide feedback during each presentation. <br /> The small group SWOT analysis will become part of the overall SWOT analysis that will be <br /> reflected in the Consultant's recommendations and the final report. <br /> 7. Next Steps: The Consultant Team will summarize and document the items identified during the <br /> PEST Exercise as well as the SWOT factors identified for each site.This summary will be included <br /> in the Consultant Team's final report. <br /> Copyright O 2017 Timmons Group—This proposal shall be considered Confidential&Proprietary until such time as <br /> a contract has been executed with the Client. <br />