Orange County NC Website
Attacluirent 2 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Solid Waste Plan Work Group <br />From: Jan Sassaman, SWAB Chair <br />Subject: Decision Points Questionnaire <br />Date: February 28, 2006 <br />Attached is a questionnaire that I requested the staff prepare to define and detail some of the decisions that must <br />be made to move forward in development of a comprehensive, integrated solid waste management plan. The <br />plan for using this questionnaire is that all Solid Waste Plan Work Group members will complete it, <br />electronically if possible, and return it to staff with any additional comments by March 23. The completed <br />questionnaires will form the basis for the April Solid Waste Plan Work Group meeting to further develop its <br />ideas, positions and possible consensus on these decision points as well as other decision points that may arise <br />through discussion and further comment from the Work Group. In your response please indicate what dates in <br />April and May you are available for meetings exclude week of April 3-7. <br />We expect completion of a technical report on primarily the recycling portion of the County's scope of work due <br />at the end of April. We expect to schedule a presentation of that work in May for the Solid Waste Plan Work <br />Group, Once you receive the report, you will, at the subsequent Work Group meeting, have an opportunity to <br />reconsider the responses to the questionnaire in light of data presented in the report. <br />We realize that some of the questions are better answered with data the technical report in hand, while some, <br />such as developing ranking preferences, may be better made before the data are presented. Feel free to answer <br />all or some of the questions this first time as a way to express initial preferences; once you get data you may <br />change your mind on some of them. Group consensus may shift. You may choose to not answer those that are <br />more data - driven until you get the data; that's fine too. There is a lot of indecision right now, as no data on <br />projected program performance has been presented, eg, single stream v, dual stream cart v bin. <br />Use of the decision points tool is a two -step process. The first iteration allows representatives of the various <br />entities to express what they want at this point and to a certain extent, we will use that to push against the <br />recycling technical analysis. Then we'll do a second iteration once the data are in and come to consensus about <br />the system we recommend. <br />It will be important for all jurisdictions to express their preferences particularly in the part VII B of the <br />questionnaire that pertains specifically to them. Work group members from outside the particular jurisdiction <br />may express their preferences for solid waste management techniques in communities other than their own, but <br />the opinions of those representing that jurisdiction will have most importance. The exception to this is that all <br />members are able to comment on solid waste management needs for the unincorporated area because all are <br />residents of Orange County and all pay taxes to support the current system of convenience centers. <br />Please respond to the questionnaire along with any comments you may have on it, preferably electronically, and <br />return to Blair Pollock of the staff by March 23 so he can prepare a summary of responses for presentation at the <br />as yet unscheduled Solid Waste Plan Work Group meeting to be held in April. <br />