Minutes 05-11-2017
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-11-2017
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Last modified
6/7/2017 8:14:06 AM
Creation date
6/7/2017 8:11:06 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 05-11-2017
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 05-11-2017 - Budget Public Hearing
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5 <br /> Strong Fathers Program, which is a strengths based intervention program for fathers <br /> overcoming cycles of family violence. She said Behavioral Insights also provides partner abuse <br /> intervention, anger management classes, and pretrial sentencing plans. She said these <br /> programs equip participants with skills, and offer alternatives to jail time. She thanked the <br /> BOCC for its support. <br /> Elvira Mebane said she is the President of United Voices of Efland Cheeks, and thanked <br /> the Manager and the BOCC for their support. She asked if recommended funds for part time <br /> positions could be transferred to their personnel line items, so as to create a more effective and <br /> efficient use of the funds. She thanked the Manager, and asked the BOCC to approve the <br /> recommended budget. <br /> Cordelia Heaney said she is the Executive Director of the Compass Center for Women <br /> and Families, which empowers clients to navigate challenging times in their lives. She said the <br /> Center promotes social justice and gender equity through a unique array of services: <br /> workshops, teen pregnancy prevention education, community education, domestic violence <br /> court advocacy, 24 hour domestic violence hot line, etc. She said the Center serves about 5000 <br /> people annually, and thanked the BOCC for its support. She reviewed several highlights of the <br /> past year, and plans for the upcoming year. She said there is great need for the Center's <br /> services, especially pertaining to domestic violence services. <br /> Brenda McCall said she is a volunteer with Project Engage, which serves seniors and <br /> those with disabilities. She said a huge need of this population is flexible, assisted, on-demand <br /> transportation. She said medical services are increasingly de-centralized, making transportation <br /> more difficult and outside of the regular Orange Public Transit (OPT) routes. She asked the <br /> BOCC to please fund on demand transportation services. <br /> Sophie Suberan thanked the BOCC for its efforts for the community. She said she is <br /> here to speak about funds allotted for School Resource Officers. She encouraged the BOCC to <br /> consider using these funds for restorative justice purposes, rather than School Resource <br /> Officers. She said this would employ the same type of people, but shift the paradigm approach. <br /> She said this line of thinking relates to House Bill 280, and could offer partnership opportunities <br /> to bring the restorative justice process into the schools. <br /> Chris Walker said he is a veteran teacher in OCS, and has four children who have <br /> attended the schools. He thanked the BOCC for increasing the supplements this past year, and <br /> asked that the full budget be approved. He said the financial changes made by the BOCC and <br /> OCS last year allowed many people to reinvest and live in Orange County. He said he hopes <br /> this will continue. <br /> Laura Streifeld said she is the Executive Director of Preserve Rural Orange, and read <br /> the following comments: <br /> In considering the budget, Preserve Rural Orange requests County Community Relations, <br /> Planning, IT and Legal Department resources dedicated to making public information more <br /> available and accessible to citizens promptly and proactively, including the following: <br /> 1. Planning Department Postings of public documents regarding projects of <br /> interest including communications and submissions from all County <br /> departments, as they are written and submitted, searchable by key word and <br /> date. <br /> 2. Audio recordings of Board of Adjustment meetings and hearings posted <br /> online and publicly accessible immediately after each meeting. <br /> 3. Video recordings of each BOA meeting (as at BOCC meetings), with <br /> searchable agendas. <br /> 4. BOA meetings to take place one month following a BOA meeting or <br /> hearing, in order to improve minutes. <br />
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