Orange County NC Website
° ~ [~~' 3.0 r s <br />PART 11 of Permit, Final Limitations and controls for Permitted Discharges <br />BMP Inferlocal Year Year Year Year Year <br /> Res onsibili One Two Three Four Five <br />Section E of Part 11: Construction Site Rwroff Controls <br />Implement a program Erosion and X X X X X <br />and establish a Sedimentation Control <br />regulatory mechanism Ordinance <br />for erosion and hnplementation <br />sediment control <br />Develop requirements Erosion and X X X X X <br />on construction site Sedimentation Conhol <br />operators Ordinance <br /> lm lementation <br />Provide educational Erosion and X X X X X <br />and paining materials Sedimentation Control <br />for consuuction site Ordinance <br />o erators Im lementation <br />Institute plan reviews Erosion and X X X X X <br /> Sedimentation Control <br /> Ordinance <br /> hn lementation <br />Establish public Erosion and X X X X X <br />information procedures Sedimentation Control <br /> Ordinance <br /> Im lementation <br />Establish inspection Erosion and X X X X X <br />and enforcement Sedimentation Control <br />procedures Ordinance <br /> Im lementation <br />PART II of Permit, Pinal Limitations and controls for Permitted Discharges <br />BMP Interlocal Year Year Year Year Year <br /> Res onsibilit One "two Three Four Five <br />Section F of Permit: Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls <br /> <br />Establish aPost- <br />County Has _ <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />Construction Ministerial <br />Stormwater Responsibility <br />Mana ement Pro ram <br />Establish strategies County Has X X X <br />which include BMP's Ministerial <br />appropriate for the Responsibility <br />MS4 <br />Establish a program to County Has X X X <br />control the sources of Ministerial <br />fecal coliform to the Responsibility <br />maximmn extent <br />racticable <br />Page IS of 13 <br />Isg:orangecounty\030906 Draft Phrase II Agreement to Town doe <br />