Orange County NC Website
31 <br /> • Appointing a future committee to study infrastructure improvements in areas of the <br /> county where cycling is especially popular. <br /> OTHER RESOURCE GROUPS <br /> • Cycling advocacy groups <br /> • Local civic groups <br /> • Orange County Schools <br /> • NCDOT <br /> • Law enforcements agencies <br /> • EMS <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the budget request is based on supporting this drive safely/ride <br /> safely program. <br /> Abigaile Pittman said it would support the education and education campaign, and to <br /> bring some awareness of safe bicycling. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the website will live on the Orange County website, and if it <br /> will be linked to the Towns. <br /> Abigaile Pittman said yes, but there is limited flexibility on the design of the website, <br /> and it would have to be a sub set of the Planning Department on the transportation site. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she is concerned that people will not be able to find this <br /> information. <br /> Abigaile Pittman said she has voiced this same concern. She said it can be closer to <br /> the front of the Planning Department's page. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the Intergovernmental Parks work group is working on a lot of <br /> maps that have different aspects, such as hiking, mountain biking, etc. She said some of <br /> these maps may be able to be incorporated. <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to the comment that change comes about through <br /> education, not laws. She asked if examples could be provided of the type of education that <br /> can be offered. <br /> Heidi Perry, Chair of the Bicycle Safety Task Force and Outboard Chair, said this can <br /> be done in a few ways, and they have heard from a member of the Highway Safety Research <br /> Center, who had great influence on this philosophical approach. She said part of the kick off <br /> campaign could include rewarding good behaviors, instead of focusing on the negatives. She <br /> said the posters would be educational, as the laws on this topic are often misunderstood. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said large groups of bike riders are the peskiest of all. He <br /> asked if there are legal solutions to this issue, such as maximum group size, spacing on the <br /> road, etc. <br /> Heidi Perry said there are no laws, but there are best practices, which can be found on <br /> the bikewalknc website. She said it is hard for a large group to break into smaller groups <br /> safely. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the use of helmets was discussed. <br /> Heidi Perry said it is a state law that anyone under the age of 16 has to wear a helmet, <br /> and organized groups/rides require helmets to be worn. <br /> Chair Dorosin said he is open to talking about this budget request. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said it is not a part of her recommended budget, but she has <br /> asked Todd McGee to work with this group. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Abigaile Pittman if she checked with the NC Department <br /> of Transportation (DOT) to see if they provide any of these materials as part of their bicycle <br /> program. <br />