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29 <br /> The staff plan addressed representation from the BOCC, resident participation, public <br /> outreach, task objectives, and ultimately a report back to the BOCC with recommendations. <br /> These initial tasks were addressed through the work of an OUTBoard subcommittee group, <br /> and approved by the full OUTBoard in May 2015. The subcommittee's report was forwarded to <br /> the BOCC in June 2015 where its recommendations were accepted and the staff was directed <br /> to return in the fall with information relevant to next steps. A description of this process is <br /> provided in the first attachment of the BSTF Report (Attachment 1). The subcommittee's report <br /> is provided in the second attachment of the Report. <br /> Through discussions with the BOCC and the County Manager from November 2015 to January <br /> 2016 it was decided that the best way to implement recommendations of the OUTBoard's <br /> bicycle safety recommendations would be through a task force with a defined charge and set <br /> term. It was also agreed that the general focus of the task force should be on education and <br /> communication. <br /> At its February 2016 meeting the OUTBoard made recommendations regarding the BSTF <br /> membership, charge and term and forwarded it to the BOCC for review at March, May, and <br /> June 2016 meetings. The BSTF Resolution and members were appointed on June 21, 2016. <br /> Commissioner Renee Price was appointed as a liaison to the Task Force. The Resolution, <br /> which includes the criteria for the BSTF members, the Charge, and the direction to report back <br /> to the BOCC, is provided in the third attachment of the Report. The list of appointed BSTF <br /> members is provided in the fourth attachment of the Report. <br /> Bicycle Safety in Orange County, NC Report <br /> The BSTF met numerous times over a six-month period, with much research and deliberation <br /> resulting in the attached Report with attachments and appendix. The BSTF developed a set of <br /> goals, which is provided in the appendix of the Report; evaluated a bicycle crash report for the <br /> County (the fifth attachment of the Report); reviewed existing and new bicycle laws (the sixth <br /> attachment of the Report); and developed possible actions and time and cost estimates (the <br /> seventh attachment of the Report). <br /> Through the process, the BSTF endorsed a public education and awareness campaign <br /> directed at all rural road users. The campaign, "Drive Safely, Ride Safely" is designed to foster <br /> mutual respect and shared interest in road safety, and focuses on the premise that most <br /> motorists and cyclists want to share the road safely. The Report recommends a series of <br /> actions centered on a public education and awareness campaign, improved data collection <br /> and measurements, and traffic safety improvements. This process and the campaign are <br /> described in the first several pages of the Report. <br /> The Report also includes suggestions for implementation and potential actions with estimates <br /> regarding responsible parties, range of expected expense and timeline. The BSTF <br /> recommends the creation of an implementation task force as well as a future task force to <br /> study infrastructure improvements in areas of the County where cycling is especially popular. <br /> The implementation portion of the Report is found on pages 6-10 of the Report. <br /> The BSTF has recommended and requested a budget of$15,000 for FY 2017-18 and <br /> appropriate County staff support to launch the campaign. Cycling advocacy groups and local <br /> civic groups would also be approached, along with other possible partners, to provide <br /> volunteer resources and possible additional funding to assist in implementing the campaign. <br /> Additionally, participation from the County Sheriff and other law enforcement agencies, Orange <br />