Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if VIPER will let them use their towers. <br /> Cliff Brown said it depends on who owns the tower, and some will allow use, and some <br /> will not. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the recommendation is to abandon VIPER. <br /> Cliff Brown said yes, and the main reasons are: coverage, capacity, and reliability. <br /> Chair Dorosin said asked if there is an option between the $2 million and the $30 <br /> million; and it seems like that is the $26 million option. <br /> Cliff Brown said this is recommended answer. He said the VHF solution would provide <br /> County coverage, and consists of 10 sites and costs $10 million. He said this would be <br /> conventional analogue, and VHF involves a lot of interference and skip. He said new <br /> frequencies would be needed, which may be difficult due to how long VHF has been in use. <br /> He said there are grants available, and usually require systems to be P25 and have <br /> interoperability. He said these requirements promote counties coming together to create <br /> regional systems. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if there is a lot of grant funding available. <br /> Cliff Brown said there are multiple grants per year, and the amounts vary greatly. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if other areas are leaving VIPER. <br /> Cliff Brown said some are leaving, and some are joining the system. He said there are <br /> a large variety of radio systems across the State. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff wanted the BOCC to have this report before discussing <br /> capital prioritization next week. She said no action is required this evening. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the proposed plan notes that the first four towers should be in the <br /> southern end of the County. He said there seems to be good coverage in this part of the <br /> County already, and asked if these towers should be put in more rural areas where coverage is <br /> lacking. <br /> Cliff Brown said that plan would move the higher quantity of users into a new system, <br /> where they are not competing for fewer channels on the VIPER system. He said this would <br /> offer the quickest relief to the problems with VIPER, to the largest number of users. He said <br /> P25 is the industry standard and is connected to all funding streams, but VIPER is P25 and so <br /> this would be retained as a backup system. He said all surrounding counties are P25, which <br /> allows for interoperability and mutual aid. <br /> c. Bicycle Safety Task Force (BSTF) Report and Next Steps <br /> The Board received a presentation on the Bicycle Safety Task Force Report, and <br /> provided direction on next steps. <br /> Abigaile Pittman, Transportation/Land Use Planner II, reviewed the following <br /> background information <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The process that led to the development of the BSTF Report began in November 2014 with a <br /> Board petition to review policies related to bicycle safety and working with stakeholder groups <br /> to develop a culture of sharing the road. The Manager asked Planning staff to work with the <br /> OUTBoard to set up a subgroup to discuss and develop a plan. Planning staff proposed a plan <br /> to address the petition regarding OUTBoard/Bicycle Safety, which was provided as an <br /> information item to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on February 3, 2015. The <br /> materials and minutes for this meeting can be found at the following link: <br /> <br />