Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> Ken Redfoot said the courts are 50 x 84 feet, which is regulation high school court size. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if any thought has been given to using solar or <br /> geothermal technology for this new facility, or retrofitting the existing facility. <br /> Jeff Thompson said staff is analyzing retrofitting the building with the high performance <br /> building standards analysis, and the size of the facility makes it challenging from a cost <br /> standpoint. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to the 54-space parking lot, and asked if, given heavy <br /> use of the current parking lot and the expansion numbers, parking will be expanded or a <br /> parking deck considered. <br /> John Stock said a parking study was completed a year ago, and maximum capacity <br /> was only reached when large meets or events are occurring. He said staff has changed the <br /> nature of these meets to allow for easier flow. He said the study was repeated again recently <br /> and there was only a 10% increase in numbers with the maximum still not being reached. He <br /> said if growth continues at its current rate, then parking will be an issue. <br /> Commissioner McKee said increased public transportation may help. He said any <br /> improvements only drives more people to want to use this facility, and the mode of <br /> transportation will be automobiles. He said he is glad that staff has done parking studies. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked John Stock for the good work that he is doing and his <br /> willingness to work with the County. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said when he got on the Board he got a lecture from senior <br /> Commissioners that minority children had no place to go swimming. He asked John Stock if <br /> he knows the percentage of pool users that are minorities, and, if not, could he do some <br /> estimation and explore ways to attract these communities to use the facility. <br /> John Stock said he could only offer a guess, but he said schools with large numbers of <br /> African American students are using the facility. He said the summer program is a tool to bring <br /> in more minority students. He said there is room for improvement, and he would try and get a <br /> more precise number to the Board. <br /> Jeff Thompson reviewed the project schedule. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if TA Loving pays a living wage, and Jeff Thompson said <br /> yes. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br /> for the Board to: <br /> 1) Award a Design-Build Agreement to TA Loving Company of Goldsboro, NC for the <br /> Sportsplex Field House project with a Guaranteed Maximum Price ("GMP") not-to- <br /> exceed $3,714,000 to include this project within the spring 2017 project financing <br /> offering scheduled to close in June 2017; <br /> 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the necessary paperwork upon review of <br /> the County Attorney; and <br /> 3) Authorize the County Manager to execute any amendments to the GMP up to the <br /> project budget. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reports <br /> a. Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness 2016 Report <br /> The Board received a report on the 2016 activities of the Orange County Partnership to <br /> End Homelessness (OCPEH), and also reviewed the homeless service system map. <br />