Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> Perdita Holtz reviewed the recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the BOCC is agreeing to set a public hearing, or to <br /> change the designation. <br /> Perdita Holtz said there is no public hearing for the WASMPBA, only for land use and <br /> zoning. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the previous discussion about notifying the public about the <br /> change does not actually exist in the real world, because the Board is being asked to make the <br /> change this evening. <br /> Perdita Holtz said if the Board makes the changes, there will be changes made to the <br /> joint land use plan and the County future land use map later this year. She said a public <br /> hearing would come into effect. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said those residents who have difficulties will already be fighting <br /> against the fact that the government has changed it, and will be arguing to change it back, <br /> versus a proposal and a discussion. <br /> Perdita Holtz said all that would be changed this evening is making the land's primary <br /> service area, but the zoning and land use regulations that are currently in effect would stay in <br /> effect. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the difference between long term service area, which is a <br /> benign concept, versus primary service area, which means it is inviting water and sewer, is a <br /> big difference. <br /> Perdita Holtz said the current zoning will still apply, and any up zoning or changes to <br /> the future land use map would need to go through a public hearing process. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the Board votes in favor of this tonight, nothing can change <br /> unless the other changes go through. <br /> Perdita Holtz said yes, and this is one of the complexities of all of these agreements, <br /> and zoning, and joint land use plan. She said it is confusing which comes first, but staff has <br /> determined that the WASAMBA amendments need to come first because the future land use <br /> and the zoning cannot be changed if it is not a primary service area. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br /> for the Board to adopt the revised resolution-Attachment 1- amending the Water and Sewer <br /> Management, Planning, and Boundary Agreement. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 1 (Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> d. Award of Design-Build Agreement— Sportsplex Field House Project <br /> The Board considered 1) awarding a Design-Build Agreement to TA Loving Company <br /> of Goldsboro, NC for the Sportsplex Field House project with a Guaranteed Maximum Price <br /> ("GMP") not-to-exceed $3,714,000 to include this project within the spring 2017 project <br /> financing offering scheduled to close in June 2017; 2) approving and authorizing the Chair to <br /> execute the necessary paperwork upon review of the County Attorney; and 3) authorizing the <br /> County Manager to execute any amendments to the GMP up to the project budget. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> In 2013 the Board authorized the purchase of 2.88 acres of property adjacent to adjacent to <br /> the Orange County Sportsplex to construct a proposed field house complex and related site <br /> parking to support its growth in the areas of turf field, sport court, and indoor fitness activities. <br /> These areas of space need are also to support growth in afterschool, preschool and camp <br /> programming. <br />