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11 <br /> a cost of$189,770, after review by the County Attorney and authorize the Chair to sign <br /> (Construction phase services will be contracted at a later date as a potential amendment.). <br /> Craig Benedict reviewed the background information below, as well as a map of the <br /> area: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> In FY 2015-16, the Planning & Inspections Department requested, through the Capital <br /> Investment Plan (CIP), funding for proposed development in the Hillsborough Area Economic <br /> Development District (EDD). Additional funding was then requested for FY 2017-18, based on <br /> a revised scope and cost estimate for water and sewer infrastructure development. <br /> Estimated construction costs (excluding engineering): $1.5 million to $1.8 million, subject to the <br /> engineering analysis and design. The proposed project schedule is included as Attachment 3. <br /> The Hillsborough Area EDD site is situated just south of Interstate 40 and along old NC 86 <br /> (Attachment 1). <br /> In order to provide basic infrastructure support for the Hillsborough Area EDD, there are certain <br /> backbone improvements which are needed including both water and sewer infrastructure. The <br /> Town of Hillsborough will provide water and sewer treatment and maintenance, as well as <br /> proportionately participate financially toward those improvements outside of the EDD, as is <br /> necessary for water system redundancy, adequate pressure, flow and water quality. <br /> This work is the extension of other master planned water, sewer and roadway infrastructure <br /> plans in the area, some of which support the Waterstone Development and the UNC Hospital. <br /> This work is consistent with the planning efforts for the Hillsborough Area EDD, Article 46 sales <br /> tax Economic Development infrastructure initiative, and the area transportation access <br /> management plan, and past and current Orange County Capital Improvement Programs <br /> (CIPs). <br /> A request for qualifications (RFQ) was advertised on February 22, 2017 (see Attachment 4). <br /> The County received three (3) statements of qualifications (SOQ's) from the following <br /> consulting engineering firms: <br /> The John R McAdams Company, Inc. <br /> Pennoni <br /> McGill Associates, PA <br /> Criteria in evaluating the SOQs included 1) project timeline and understanding of the scope, 2) <br /> previous experience with projects of similar scope and timeline, 3) ability to complete the work <br /> on time considering total workload, 4) approach for successful project completion without any <br /> major technical, legal or budget problems, 5) previous experience with governmental entities <br /> (particularly Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough) and public outreach, and 6) <br /> approach to disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) and minority and women-owned <br /> business participation. <br /> The interview panel was comprised of three representatives from Orange County (Craig <br /> Benedict, AICP, Howard W. Fleming, Jr., PE, and Allison Reinert, PE) and the Town of <br /> Hillsborough Engineering/Public Works Director, Kenny Keel, PE. Based on the interviews and <br /> evaluation criteria, the interview panel unanimously selected McAdams. <br />