Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> John Roberts said Representative Meyers amended HB 436 last week in committee, <br /> but that has not gone to the House floor for a vote yet. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the implications be for Orange County could be identified, if HB <br /> 406 passes. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the impact would not affect the budget until the impact fees <br /> from the previous year are used. She said the impact fees are being used to the maximum <br /> level that they can be used. She said there were more impact fees on the OCS side, as OCS <br /> has less growth over time, but has less debt service. She said the impact of the loss of these <br /> fees would be 2019. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the dollar figure of the impact is known. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said it averages about $2.8 million, and this year there will be $3.1 <br /> million in the recommended budget. She said all impact fees will be used to the maximum, <br /> and can be used for new schools and capacity expenses. <br /> Chair Dorosin said there are a lot of bills going forward about charter schools, and that <br /> could have potential impact on local school systems. <br /> 3. Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br /> • FY 2017-18 Operating Budget Presentation and Discussion <br /> • Capital Investment Plan Discussion <br /> Based on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's projected Average Daily <br /> Membership (ADM) enrollment for FY2017-18, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools enrollment <br /> would increase by 222 students, while charter students of 217, less Out-of-County tuition paid <br /> students of 241 remain the same as in the previous year. <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is requesting an increase in the local per pupil allocation of <br /> $377.50. This requested increase in the local per pupil allocation for current expenses would <br /> increase the per pupil allocation to $4,245.50. This funding level would represent an increase <br /> of$5,469,806 in the current expense for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. By State statute, <br /> the <br /> County Commissioners cannot raise the district tax by an amount more than what the Board of <br /> Education requested. At the April 6, 2017 meeting, the Board of Education voted to request <br /> the maximum increase in the district tax to fund its budget request. Assuming no increase in <br /> the ad valorem tax rate, the district tax would need to increase by 5.01 cents to a new rate of <br /> 25.85 cents to fund the 2017-18 budget. <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Capital Investment Plan projects for FY 2017-18 totals <br /> $4,673,027, with a 5-Year total of$71,580,346. <br /> Dr. Pamela Baldwin said she has been here 25 days, and she is proud of their <br /> transparency and the use of data to determine the actual needs of the district through an <br /> equity lens. <br /> Dr. Pamela Baldwin said the CHCCS truly appreciate the BOCC's support of the <br /> schools. She said she is happy to be here and excited to work with all involved in education in <br /> Orange County. <br /> Todd LoFrese made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 2017-2018 Board of Education's Budget Request <br /> April 25, 2017 <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />