Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> 3. OWASA's regular availability and connection fees must be paid for each lot or parcel within the <br /> Project area, and any extensions thereto,before any such lot or parcel is connected and service is initiated. <br /> OWASA will permit connection of individual sewer services within the RRSA and permit and provide for <br /> continuation of sanitary sewer collection service by way of those individual connections for so long as <br /> OWASA's monthly service charges are paid, subject to OWASA's right to disconnect individual service <br /> connections upon the same conditions as are applied to OWASA customers throughout OWASA's <br /> existing customer service area. The customer accounts created throughout the RRSA shall be deemed <br /> regular OWASA customers, and the same service charges applicable to other OWASA customers shall <br /> apply to the customers connected in the RRSA. <br /> 4. Customers connecting properties located within the RRSA shall be entitled to the residential <br /> sanitary sewer collection services and benefits provided to customers in OWASA's existing customer <br /> service area. Customers connected within the RRSA shall have the same duties and obligations to obtain <br /> and maintain continuing service as are required of customers in OWASA's existing customer service <br /> area.No discrimination in rates, charges, or service shall be made with respect to whether OWASA <br /> customers are located within the RRSA as opposed to the rest of OWASA's existing customer service <br /> area. <br /> 5. After OWASA's final approval of the Project as constructed, OWASA will operate,maintain and <br /> replace, and be responsible for the costs of operation,including insurance,maintenance, and replacement <br /> of all of the components of that system,which costs shall be paid from OWASA's revenues. To the extent <br /> any claims may arise against third parties regarding warranty issues, or to the extent any insurance <br /> proceeds may become payable to the County for damages to the collection system, such funds shall first <br /> be made available to OWASA to be applied to the costs of repair or restoration of Project Facilities <br /> within the RRSA. After restoration of Project Facilities is achieved any remaining insurance proceeds <br /> shall be used for the sole purpose of paying Project debt. County shall insure the Project Facilities during <br /> the construction phase of the Project, and, if necessary as the Owner,thereafter until ownership of the <br /> Project Facilities is transferred to OWASA. County shall assign to OWASA all warranties it may acquire <br />