Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: June 6, 2017 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 8-i <br /> SUBJECT: Historic Rogers Road Sanitary Sewer Project Bid Recommendation and <br /> Award <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning, Engineering <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. Map of the Proposed Historic Rogers Craig Benedict, Planning Director, <br /> Road Sewer Infrastructure (919) 245-2592 <br /> 2. URS Certified Bid Recommendation Allison Reinert, Staff Engineer, <br /> Letter with URS Certified Bid (919) 245-2583 <br /> Tabulation <br /> PURPOSE: To award the bid to Moffat Pipe, Inc. (Moffat) for the construction of the Historic <br /> Rogers Road sewer infrastructure extensions to serve the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood. <br /> BACKGROUND: Orange County is part of a multi-jurisdictional project, along with Chapel Hill, <br /> Carrboro and Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA), to design and construct a sewer <br /> collection system to serve the Rogers Road neighborhood. Currently, the County is leading <br /> efforts in obtaining the easements from property owners needed for construction and future <br /> maintenance of the sewer collection system. The construction and design of the sewer <br /> collection system is to be funded by Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. The collection <br /> system includes the construction of approximately 18,500 linear feet of sewer to approximately <br /> 86 developed and undeveloped parcels (Attachment 1). The design was completed by URS <br /> Corporation-North Carolina. <br /> A request for proposals (RFP) was advertised on March 22, 2017 by OWASA. OWASA, as the <br /> County's representative, received three (3) bid proposals from the following construction <br /> companies: <br /> Moffat Pipe, Inc. <br /> Carolina Civilworks, Inc. <br /> Garney Companies, Inc. <br /> The lowest responsible and responsive bidder for the project, with a base bid of $4,782,436, <br /> was Moffat Pipe, Inc. (Attachment 2). The bid was within 0.25% of the Engineers Opinion of <br /> Probable Cost and within the allotted Capital Investment Plan budget of $5,300,000. The <br /> evaluation of Moffat Pipe, Inc.'s responsibility is to be based on supplemental information to be <br /> provided by URS. URS has provided, in the meantime, a recommendation to award the <br /> contract for the Historic Rogers Road Sewer to Moffat Pipe Inc. in the amount of $4,782,436, <br /> contingent upon evidence of responsibility in providing the supplemental information requested. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed contract with Moffat Pipe, Inc. is in the amount of <br /> $4,782,436. It is proposed by the Planning and Inspections Department that the Manager be <br /> authorized to approve minor amendments for any necessary change orders during construction, <br />