Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> • Funding from the Clean Water has been requested in the amount of$158,456, with <br /> a decision expected in September. If approved, the state will hold a 300 foot <br /> conservation easement on all river and stream frontage on the property. <br /> • Timing of the County's award is critical in that Clean Water funding is awarded based <br /> on a ranking of all project submissions. In addition to contributing to the protection <br /> of the property, committed funding from Orange County by June 30, 2017 will add <br /> points to the project's application score with the Clean Water, potentially lifting the <br /> project over the cutoff for funded projects. The Trust Fund has applications in this <br /> cycle for$65 million in projects and anticipates available funds to be around $25 <br /> million. <br /> Funding Summary <br /> Purchase Price $337,860 <br /> Survey(estimated) $5,000 <br /> Legal $1,000 <br /> Stewardship Funding $10,110 <br /> Total Project Cost $353,970 <br /> Grant Funding Requests Purpose Status <br /> acquisition,survey,legal and closing,and Approved <br /> City of Raleigh(UNCWI) $69,830 stewardship endowment <br /> Orange County $63,655 acquisition Applied for <br /> CWMTF $158,456 acquisition Applied for;Decision expected Sept 2017 <br /> Total Grant Funding Requests $291,941 <br /> Eno River Association $62,029 plus interest on promissry note at 5% <br /> Total All Funding Sources $353,970 <br /> Project Significance <br /> The property is located a short distance downstream from Orange County's conservation <br /> easement focus area near the Confluence of the East and West Forks of the Eno River. It is just <br /> upstream of Corporation Lake, near Duke Forest Lands and other Orange County's conservation <br /> land. The addition of this project will expand water quality and habitat protection on the Eno: <br /> • Linear Stream Frontage: <br /> o Eno River 3,600-ft (1 side of the river (south side): avg. 1,000-ft width) <br /> o Panthers Branch 1,200-ft (2 sides of the stream: avg. 800-ft width) <br /> o Tributary Stream 1,000-ft (2 sides for% and 1 side for% of the stream: avg. 300- <br /> ft width) <br /> • The Eno River is classified by DWR as Water Supply II, High Quality Waters, Nutrient <br /> Sensitive Waters and as Drinking Water Assessment Area Susceptibility- Higher <br /> • Eno River frontage on the property is a Natural Heritage Program NEU/ Eno River <br /> Aquatic Habitat with Element Occurrences of Fusconaia masoni, Strophitus undulates, <br /> Villosa constricta, and Etheostoma collis <br /> • The property includes 3.5 acres of wetlands <br /> • The property is wooded and has two small sheds on it, but is otherwise undeveloped. <br /> The Eno River Association plans to maintain the property as conservation open space. <br /> 2 <br />