Orange County NC Website
5 <br />8. To maintain, within local budget constraints, the segments ofthe Trail which pass <br />through lands under their jurisdiction, <br />9. There will be no exchange of funds for work performed on the trail project without <br />further written agreement. Funds for trail planning, construction, maintenance and <br />management activities are the responsibility of the appropriate land managing agency; <br />however, the State may assist the agencies if agreement is reached as to the extent of such <br />assistance between the parties.. <br />10. The appropriate land managing agency shall erect the uniform trail markers established <br />by the Haw River Trail Public Partnership for the Trail. The erection and maintenance of <br />these trail markers shall be in accordance with the land managing agencies' standards <br />referenced in Pazagraplr 4 above.. <br />11. To meet as needed to discuss matters of mutual concern affecting the planning, <br />construction, maintenance and management of the Trail.. <br />Nothing in this agreement shall affect or interfere with fulfillment of the obligations and rights of <br />the undersigned parties to manage the lands and programs administered by them in accordance <br />with their other basic land management responsibilities. <br />This agreement may be revised as necessary by mutual consent of all undersigned parties by the <br />issuance of a written amendment, signed and dated by all parties, <br />Any undersigned party may terminate this Memorandum of Understanding by providing GO days <br />written notice, Unless terminated by written notice, this Memorandum of Understanding will <br />remain in force for a period of five (5) years ending on December 31, 2010.. At the end of that <br />time, the undersigned parties will assess the benefits accrued and determine if the agreement <br />should be reaffirmed. <br />Failure of'orre of the entities listed below to become a signatory to this Memorandum of <br />Understanding will not alter either the validity of the Memorandum of Understanding or the <br />force and effect of the Memorandum of Understanding on the pazties who aze signatories. <br />