Agenda - 03-02-2006-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-02-2006
Agenda - 03-02-2006-9b
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9/2/2008 1:34:42 AM
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8/29/2008 9:13:56 AM
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<br />Haw River, the Town of Swepsonville, the Piedmont Triad Council of Govermnents and non- <br />proftorganizations to develop a conceptual plan for the trail; and <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned govenunental agencies desire to represent a unified vision for the <br />Trail Corridor when sharing information bode internally within their respective agencies and <br />externally on matters relating to the planning, development, signage, public information, <br />maintenance and management of the Trail Corridor; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned parties hereto mutually agree: <br />To title this coalition of partners the "Haw River Trai] Governmental Agency <br />Partnership," to speak with one unified voice for all the undersigned pazties that are <br />involved in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, management and promotion <br />of the Traih <br />2. To seek and consider thoughts and ideas from non-profit organizations, private property <br />owners and citizens regarding the planning, development and management of the Trail. <br />3. To establish a name for this trail and to develop an identifiable trail marker that can be <br />used to uniformly sign segments of the Trail. <br />4. To,jointly develop and endorse trail development standards fort the paddle and land-based <br />trail. <br />The paddle trail standards will include the maximum length between access areas, the <br />basic design of the overall access areas including off-road access, parking, access to the <br />water and other desired or needed facilities. <br />The land-based trail standards will include, at a minimum, trail width and surfacing <br />options, parking and desired or needed facilities. <br />Both the paddle trail and land-based trails will have uniform trail markers (to be agreed <br />upon) containing minimum basic information (to be agreed upon). <br />5. The State will coordinate activities between the land managing agencies. Implementation <br />will be carried out by the agency administering the lands through which the Trail passes, <br />with assistance by the State ifrequired. <br />6. To explore every opportunity to acquire land or the interest in land that will provide <br />public access to or land for the Trail, its buffer, or other needed open space within their <br />,jurisdiction. <br />7. The selection and approval of the Trail route on-the-ground is the primary responsibility <br />of the land managing agency/entity. The State will assist the land managing <br />agencies/entities and holders of conservation easements with Trail layout activities. <br />
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