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Trust will become effective unless the County delivers to the Trustee its prior <br />lvritten consent to the amendment or supplement. <br />Section 10.09. Insurer's Consent Required. No amendment or <br />supplement to this Agreement, the Certificates, the Contract or the Deed of Trust <br />(a) for which consent of the Owners is required, or (b) which affects an}J provision <br />expressly recognizing or granting rights in or to the Policy, shall become effective <br />unless the Insurer delivers to the Trustee its prior written consent to the amendment <br />or supplement. <br />Section 10.10. Notice to Owners and Insurer. The Trustee shall cause <br />notice of the execution of each supplement or amendment to this Agreement, the <br />Certificates or the Contract to be mailed to the Owners and to the Insurer. The <br />notice will, at the Trustee's option, either (a) briefly state the nature of the <br />amendment or supplement and that copies of it are on file urith the Trustee for <br />inspection by OuJners, or (b) enclose a copy of such amendment or supplement. <br />Section 10.11. Owners' Consents. Any consent or other instrument <br />required by this Trust Agreement to be signed by Owners may be in any number of <br />concurrent documents and may be signed by an Owner or by the Owner's agent <br />appointed in writing. Proof of the execution of such instrument or of the instrument <br />appointing an agent and of the ownership of Certificates, if made in the following <br />manner, will be conclusive for any purposes of this Trust Agreement ujith regard to <br />any action taken by the Trustee. <br />(a) The fact and date of a person's signing an instrument may be proved <br />by the certificate of any officer in any jurisdiction uTho by lour has power to take <br />acknowledgments within that jurisdiction that the person signng the writing <br />acknowledged before the officer the execution of the writing, or by an affidavit of <br />any witness to the signing. <br />(b} The fact of ownership of Certificates, the amount or amounts, <br />numbers and other identification of such Certificates and the date of holding will <br />be proved by the registration books kept pursuant to this Trust Agreement. <br />ARTICLE XI <br />INSURANCE ON CERTIFICATES <br />[To come.] <br />ARTICLE XII <br />93362v2 34 <br />