Agenda - 03-02-2006-8bOS
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-02-2006
Agenda - 03-02-2006-8bOS
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9/2/2008 1:41:10 AM
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8/29/2008 9:12:22 AM
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through the two County school districts. tinder a state mandate to reform mental health <br />statewide, a local management entity has been created to guide the transition to a new service <br />delivery model according to an approved business plan. <br />A sheltered workshop and clinics in the Towns of Chapel Hill and Hillsborough are <br />provided. Services to the public schools are also provided. Under a new State proposal to <br />reform mental health statewide, a local management entity has been created that will serve to <br />transition the current method of service provision. <br />Other Hufnan ServicesIn addition to social service, health and mental health programs, <br />the County provides agricultural services, housing and community development services, library <br />services and support to various private non-profit agencies located within the County. <br />Parks, Recreation and Open Space. Recreational programs throughout the County are <br />provided by the County's Parks and Recreation Department along with the parks and recreation <br />departments of the To«~ns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Organized leisure programs ranging <br />from athletics to fine arts are regularly offered to citizens of all ages at several park sites and <br />community centers. Numerous programs and special events for senior citizens and the mentally <br />and physically impaired are also offered. During the past several years the County has <br />developed aggressive plans for park development and open space acquisition. <br />Public Service Enterprises. <br />YVater crncl Sewer Servicesy~7ater and sewer services are provided to the majority of the <br />population of the County by the Orange ~?Vater and Sewer :4uthority (the "Authority"). The <br />Authority was created in 1975 by the Board of Commissioners for the County and the boards of <br />aldermen of the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro for the purpose of acquiring, consolidating, <br />improving, and operating the existing l~~ater and set~~er systems in the southern portion of the <br />County. Prior to the formation of the Authority, water service was provided by the University of <br />North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Town of Carrboro and sewer service was provided by the <br />Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro in conjunction with the University. <br />The Authority began utilities operations in 1977 when the Towns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conveyed their water and sewer <br />facilities to the Authority. Under the terms of the transfer, the Authority provides and maintains <br />sewage collection and treatment facilities and water supply, treatment and distribution facilities. <br />The Town of Hillsborough and the City of l~lebane, which is partly located within the <br />corporate limits of the County, also own and operate water and sanitaly sewer systems. The <br />County issued water and sanitaly sewer bonds in the late 1960s to finance the construction of the <br />Lake Orange reservoir, l~~hich selves the water system of the Town of Hillsborough, and the <br />construction of improvements which serve the «-ater and sanitaly sewer systems of the City of <br />Mebane. In addition, the Orange Alamance t74~ater System, a private corporation, utilizes Lake <br />Orange and provides water service to a part of the west central portion of the County. <br />The County's water supply has been supplemented by the addition of the Cane Creek <br />Reservoir, which was built by the Authority in 1989. Increased water supply has also resulted <br />from the renovations to the dam at Lake Orange, which is owned by the County. In addition, the <br />C-883836v4 13361.00022 2 ~ <br />
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