Agenda - 03-02-2006-8bOS
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-02-2006
Agenda - 03-02-2006-8bOS
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9/2/2008 1:41:10 AM
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8/29/2008 9:12:22 AM
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The County is served by two interstate highways, which mel-ge in the center of the <br />County. Interstate Highway 85 connects the County to the Cities of Greensboro, Charlotte and <br />Atlanta to the south and «~est and the Cities of Durham, Richmond and Washington, D.C. to the <br />north and east. Interstate Highway 40 connects the County to the Cities of Winston-Salem and <br />Asheville to the north and west and the Research Triangle Park and the City of Raleigh to the <br />south and east. Other major highways include U.S. highways 15-501 and 70 and N.C. highways <br />54, 57 and R6. <br />Inter-city bus service is provided by Carolina Trailways and the Town of Chapel Hill <br />operates a local bus system which serves a substantial portion of the population in the Towns of <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro. In addition, the County operates specialized transport services, which <br />are currently used mainly for human services delivery. This coordinated system, run by the <br />County, serves a variety of human service departments and agencies throughout the County and <br />has recently expanded to include services to all residents requiring services. The Triangle <br />Transit Authority also operates a bus system that provides commuter services to County <br />residents and has coordinated its efforts with the County system mentioned above. <br />Air transportation is provided by various major, commuter and commercial airlines at the <br />Raleigh-Durham International Airport ("RDU"), approximately 10 miles from the County. <br />Commercial air service is provided by Air Canada, Air Tran, America West, America Airlines, <br />Continental, Delta, Northwest, Southwest, and US Airways. In addition, 13 various carriers <br />provide commuter service. The total economic impact of RDU to the Triangle economy is more <br />than $2 billion per year according to North Carolina Department of Transportation figures. In <br />2004, RDU had over 250 daily departures and served approximately 8 million passengers. <br />Railway freight service is provided by Norfolk Southern Railway. Railway passenger <br />service is provided by :4mtrak through its terminals located in the Cities of Durham and Raleigh. <br />Human Services. <br />Social Services P1°ogratns Social Services programs are provided for by a combination <br />of federal, state and local funds. Among the programs provided are: ~?Vork First., Temporary Aid <br />to Needy Families Child Protective Services, Daycare, Foster Care, Energy Assistance, <br />Medicaid, Child Support Enforcement and programs for the elderly. <br />Health Programs-The County provides environmental, sanitation, family planning, <br />dental and nursing services throughout the County. Clinics are offered in the Towns of <br />Hillsborough and Chapel Hill and in the public schools. The County has access to the services of <br />the schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing and public health at University of North Carolina at <br />Chapel Hill and the University Hospitals, as well as Duke University Medical Center and a U.S. <br />Veterans Administration Hospital within five miles of the County. No County investment in <br />hospital or major medical facilities is anticipated. <br />Me7~tal Health Programs-The County currently contributes annually to a Mental Health <br />Agency that provides critical mental health, substance abuse, and developmental disabilities <br />services across the Orange, Person and Chatham County area. Clinics and/or clubhouse facilities <br />are located in the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough. Services are also available <br />C-883836v4 13361.00022 22 <br />
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