Agenda - 03-02-2006-8bOS
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-02-2006
Agenda - 03-02-2006-8bOS
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9/2/2008 1:41:10 AM
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8/29/2008 9:12:22 AM
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purchase financing and impact fees. The voters, at a referendum held November 6, 2001, <br />approj~ed the issuance of up to $47,000,000 of general obligation school bonds, of which all have <br />been issued. Some of the proceeds from the general obligation bonds will be used together with <br />proceeds of the 2006A Certificates on school projects. <br />Large portions of the one-half cent local option sales and use taxes authorized by the <br />General Assembly in 1983 and 1986 are a major funding source for public school facilities. <br />These taxes are used in accordance with County Capital Policies and the County's ten-year <br />Capital Investment Plan to fund construction as well as debt service for both school and County <br />facilities. The County expects to receive approximately $9,135,930 from one-half cent sales <br />taxes in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006. Of this amount, approximately $5,400,000 has <br />been allocated to school construction and debt retirement. <br />In 1987 the General Assembly adopted special legislation on behalf of the County which <br />authorized the County to establish a system of impact fees on new residential development. <br />Revenues generated by these fees are to be used toward additional school facilities necessitated <br />by the new development. In June of 1993 the Board of County Commissioners for the County <br />adopted a local ordinance which officially established the system of impact fees. An impact fee <br />of $750 for each d«-~elling unit was originally adopted for both the OCS and CHCCS in 1993. <br />Since the 1993 adoption, the impact fees have been amended on several occasions at the official <br />requests of the School Boards. The Board of County Commissioners in June of 2001 adopted <br />the most recent amendment. This amendment established impact fees as follows: <br />Orange Cowity Schools <br />Single Family Detached $3,000 per unit <br />All Other Residential* $1,420 per unit <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools <br />Single Family Detached $4,407 per unit <br />All Other Residential $1,979 per unit <br />Examples of "All Other Residential" units include mobile homes and apartment units. <br />Impact fees have generated over $26,000,000 since their implementation in 1993. It is <br />expected that these fees will generate an additional $2,600,000 in the fiscal year ending June 30, <br />2006. <br />Revenues received by the County tiom the sources mentioned above are expected by the <br />County to be sufficient to fund a significant portion of school capital improvements over the next <br />10 years. <br />The following table reflects average daily membership and the number of schools for <br />both the OCS and CHCCS for afive-year period. <br />C-883836v4 13361.00022 20 <br />
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