Orange County NC Website
Per capita income figures for the County and the State are presented in the following table: <br />fear County State <br />1999 $28,471 $25,560 <br />2000 30,914 27,068 <br />2001 32,354 27,493 <br />2002 33,536 27,640 <br />2003 34,182 28,071 <br />Source: United States Deparhnent of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (most recent data ati~ailable). <br />Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Profile <br />The County's economy is characterized by a high degree of institutional and public- <br />sector activity, plus office, commercial and service-oriented business. Manufacturing and <br />agriculture are smaller portions of the County's economy. <br />The County enjoys a consistently low unemployment rate. The unemployment rate <br />estimated by the North Carolina Employment Security Commission for 2005 was 3.8%, one of <br />the lowest in the State. {The State average was 5.3% in 2005.) <br />The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and University Hospitals in the Town of <br />Chapel Hill and their associated service, teaching and research programs have a reputation for <br />excellence in the educational and medical fields. The County is also the place of residence for <br />many technical, professional and executive people who work in the Research Triangle Park and <br />neighboring Cities of Durham, Raleigh, and Burlington. <br />The Research Triangle refers to an area located among three municipalities: Chapel Hill, <br />Durham and Raleigh. In addition to the University of Nol-th Carolina at Chapel Hill, universities <br />located in these municipalities include Duke University and North Carolina Central University in <br />the City of Durham and North Carolina State University in the City of Raleigh. The proximity of <br />these universities makes the Research Triangle area well-suited to many types of research <br />activities. <br />The Research Triangle Park (the ``Park"), located 10 miles east of the County, contains <br />7,000 acres of land which has been reserved for research and research-oriented manufacturing. <br />Since its inception in the 1950's, over 131 private and governmental organizations have located <br />facilities in the Park. According to the Research Triangle Foundation, the Park represents a <br />capital investment exceeding $2 billion. r~s of January 2006, approximately 38,000 people <br />(44,000 including contract employees) were employed at the Park with an annual payroll of <br />approximately $2.7 billion with an average salary of $56,000. approximately 50% of the <br />employees in the Park work for multinational corporations. Because of its close proximity to the <br />County and the fact that many of the Parks' employees reside in the County, the impact of the <br />Park on the County's economy is significant. <br />C-883836v4 13361.00022 16 <br />