Orange County NC Website
and such other documents, records, proceedings and matters of law as we have considered <br />necessary to enable us to render the opinions set forth below and based on existing statutes, <br />regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, it is our opinion that: <br />1. The County has full power and authority to execute the Contract of Purchase, the <br />Financing Contract, the Deed of Trust, the Lease, the Agency Agreement and the Letter of <br />Representation (collectively, the "County Docut~aents") and to acquire, construct, install and <br />equip the Facilities (as defined in the Financing Contract) as provided in the Contract of <br />Purchase, the Financing Contract, the Deed of Trust and the Trust Agreement. <br />2. The County (i) has duly authorized the execution and delivery of the County <br />Documents and has duly approved the Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Statement, <br />(ii) has duly approved and consented to the use by the Llnden~riters of the Preliminary Official <br />Statement in connection with the public offering and sale of the 2006A Certificates, (iii) has <br />approved the teiYns of the Trust Agreement and (iv) has taken or will take all action necessary or <br />appropriate to carry out the execution, sale and delivery of the 2006A Certificates to the <br />Underwriters and the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the above-described <br />instruments. <br />3. The execution and delivery of the County Documents and the performance by the <br />County of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the County and will not in any <br />material respect conflict with or constitute a breach or result in a violation of (i) any state <br />constitutional or statutory provision, (ii) any agreement or other instrumetrt to which the County <br />is a party or by which it is bound, or (iii) any order or decree of any court, or any rule, regulation <br />or ordinance of North Carolina or any local governmental authority having jurisdiction over the <br />County or its properties. <br />4. To the extent obtainable as of the date hereof, the County has received, and there <br />remain currently in full force and effect, all consents, approvals, authorizations and orders of any <br />governmental or regulatory authority that are required to be obtained by the County as a. <br />condition precedent to the lawful acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of the <br />Facilities and the execution and delivery of the 2406A Certificates or the execution and delivery <br />of the County Documents or the performance by the County of its obligations thereunder <br />(provided no representation or warranty is expressed as to any action required under state <br />securities or Blue Sky laws in connection with the purchase or distribution of the 2006A <br />Certificates by the Underwriters). <br />5. To the best of our knowledge, the County is not in violation or breach of or <br />default under any applicable law or administrative regulation of the State of North Carolina or <br />the United States, or to our knowledge, any applicable judgment or decree or administrative <br />ruling or any agreement, resolution, certificate or other instrument to which the County is a party <br />or is othert~~ise subject, which violation, breach or default would in any ~~~ay materially adversely <br />affect the County's financial condition or activities or the transactions contemplated by the <br />Contract of Purchase or the execution and delivery of the 20Q6A Certificates, to the best of our <br />knowledge, no event has occurred and is continuing which with the passage of time or giving of <br />notice, or both, would constitute such a violation or breach thereof or default thereunder. <br />C-883838v3 13361.00022 <br />C-2 <br />