Orange County NC Website
y <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners <br />of Orange County, North Carolina, as follows: <br />1. The Board makes an initial determination to finance the projects <br />described above by use of installment financing including certificates of <br />participation. The County estimates that the total amount to be financed will not <br />exceed $24,000,000, including amoLmts that may be needed to provide required <br />reserves, to pay financing costs and to pay other neaessai°y and related costs, <br />2. The Finance Director is authorized and directed to proceed with the <br />proper steps toward completing the financing, including proceeding with an <br />application to the LGC for its approval of such financing. The Board appoints the <br />Finance Director as the County's authorized representative with respect to the LGC <br />application process. <br />3, The County requests that the LGC approve the County's application <br />for such financing, The Board rnalces the following findings of fact in support of its <br />application for approval and its deternunation to proceed with this financing: <br />(a) The proposed projects are necessary and appropriate for° the <br />County under all the circumstances, All of these projects have been in the County's <br />capital investment plan for some period of time, and have received prior <br />confirmation from the Board as to their necessity and appropriateness for the <br />County. Construction of the Gravelly Hill middle school is underway. The Board <br />believes that the proposed projects represent the best use of the borrowing capacity <br />(for installment financhgs) that the Com1ty has elected to use at this time, <br />(b) The proposed installment financing is preferable to a bond issue <br />for the same purpose. Using an installment financing for these projects allows the <br />County to address a series of needs as part of a flexible, long-term plan. Several of <br />the proposed pi°o,jects will also receive funding from voter-approved general <br />obligation loads, The County has no meaningful capacity to issue non-voted <br />general obligation bonds in the cLU~~ent fiscal year. It is appropriate for the County <br />to balance its capital finance program between bonds and installment financing. <br />(c) The estimated sums to fall due under the proposed financing <br />conri•act are adequate and not excessive for the proposed purposes. The County <br />has, and. will continue, to closely monitor const-uction budgets against available <br />fiu7ds. The County will closely review proposed financing rates against market <br />rates with guidance fiom the LGC. <br />94775v1 <br />