2017-192-E IT - BlueAlly Technology Solutions, LLC for services for network support, staff augmentation and strategic network design
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2017-192-E IT - BlueAlly Technology Solutions, LLC for services for network support, staff augmentation and strategic network design
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6/26/2018 9:10:50 AM
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5/31/2017 8:47:27 AM
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R 2017-192-E IT - BlueAlly Technology Solutions, LLC for services for network support, staff augmentation and strategic network design
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DocuSign Envelope ID:2D650D61-BB7F-46DB-BD3F-711 DFC5D7E31 <br /> Services Offerings <br /> BlueAlly offers two options for hourly technical professional services to give customers the <br /> flexibility they need based on the type of engagement. <br /> • Prepaid pool of hours <br /> • Pay per use model <br /> The benefit of purchasing a prepaid pool of hours is that the customer can obtain a reduced hourly <br /> rate if they pre-pay for a fixed number of hours. As the client commits to a larger pool of hours, <br /> the rate drops. <br /> The benefit of the pay per use model is that the customer does not have to prepay for the required <br /> consulting services and only pays for the hours that are actually used. Higher rates apply. <br /> Lifecycle of Consulting Hours <br /> All prepaid hours are available for one year from date of purchase. All remaining unused hours <br /> will expire on the anniversary of the purchase date with no available refund to the Customer. <br /> The hourly rate in our pay per use model will not change for one year from date of signing the <br /> contract. BlueAlly has the right to increase the hourly rate after one year. <br /> Utilization Reporting <br /> Customer will be given a detailed monthly report in the form of an invoice showing the hours <br /> that were consumed during a particular period of time. When reporting on a prepaid pool of <br /> hour's engagement, the invoice will show the number of hours that have been purchased, the <br /> number of hours that have been used in that period of time, and the number of hours that are <br /> still available. <br /> When reporting on a pay per use engagement, the monthly invoice will contain the number of <br /> hours that have been used during that particular period of time and the total cost of that period <br /> of times consulting services. <br /> M ', a!`, 4 <br />
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