Orange County NC Website
7 <br />North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />Proposed 2005/2006 Secondary Roads Construction Program <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />2005-06 Available Funds: <br />Funds to complete 04/05 Program: <br />Available for New Programming: <br />I. Paving Unpaved Roads <br />A Rural Paving Prioritv <br />Map Priority Length <br />No. No. SR No. Miles <br />$ 1,647,460 <br />$ 1,380,000 <br />$ 267,460 <br />Programmed Paving Goal: 1.34 Miles <br />Road Name and Description <br />Estimated <br />Cost <br />1 25* SR 1542 0.90 Jackson Road From SR 1579 to SR 1541 <br />com lete fundin $200,0. 00 <br /> <br /> *Partial Funding Previously Approved in <br />2004/05 Pro ram <br /> <br />Total Mles U,9U <br />B Subdivision Pavino Prioritv <br />Map Priority Length <br />No. No. SR No. Miles Road Name and Description <br />auoroca~ a[uo,uw <br />Estimated <br />Gost <br />2 1 SR 1444 0.10 Cher St. From SR 1343 to Dead End $10,000 <br />3 2 SR 1445 D.09 Glenn St. From SR 1343 to SR 1448 $9000 <br />4 3 SR 1448 0.25 Tan a Drive From SR 1444 to SR 1445 $25,000 <br /> <br />Total Miles 0,44 <br />II, Funds reserved for surveying, right of way acquisition, <br />acquisition, road additions, contingencies, overdrafts, <br />and paving entrances to certified fire departments, <br />rescue squads, etc. <br />SUpLOtal X44,000 <br />Subtotal $23,460 <br />Grand Total $267,460 <br />NOTE: PROGRAM SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, RIGHT OF WAY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND <br />HISTORICAL REVIEW. IF RIGHT OF WAY 15 NOT AVAILABLE ON THE ABOVE UNPAVED ROADS OR <br />ADDITIONAL FUNDS ARE ALLOCATED, OTHER ROADS WILL BE PROGRAMMED IN ORDER OF <br />PRIORITY, <br />