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Figure 4. Reservoir Drawdown Frequency and Guidelines for <br />Conservation Triggers, Average Demand = 11 mgd <br />2002 Reservoir Levels , 2005 Reservoir Levels 2006 Reservoir Levels <br />Figures 1 tlu-ough 4 indicate that our community will become more vulnerable to severe <br />drought conditions, especially beginning around ?015 until the expanded Stone Quarry is <br />available for water storage sometime in the mid-2030s. We can lessen that vulnerability <br />by reducing projected water demands and/or by developing additional water supply <br />sources. The primary goal of OWASA's conservation and demand management <br />program, as adopted by the Board of Directors in April ?005, is to reduce water shortage <br />risks without having to rely on water from additional sources. Suggestions about how <br />this might be achieved through increased water use efficiency, especially in new <br />development, are discussed later in this report. <br />OWASA - Wnter and Sewer Capacity /niplicafions oJGrereased Derelopnient Density <br />Page 8 of ? l <br />Conservation Stages and NORM AOV #i #2 !!J EMRG <br />Risk Levels onx' aax pax z+~azx' <br />