Orange County NC Website
»r <br />Contract for Use of The City of Durham 2005 COPS Intemperable Communications Technology Grant <br />between the City of Dwham and the Orange County, page] <br />CONTRACI FOR USE OF THE CITY OF DURHAM 2005 COPS INTEROPERABLE <br />CON MUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY GRANT BY ORANGE COUNTY <br />This contract is made and entered into as of the 19th day of December, 2005 by the City of <br />Durham ( "City") and the Orange County ( "Sub- recipient ") <br />WHEREAS, the City has applied for and been awarded a grant from the U.S Department of Justice, Office <br />of Community Oriented Policing Services, CFDA number 16 710, Grant Number 2005INWXO0I1, <br />authorized under 42 U S C § 3 796dd <br />WHEREAS, the City wishes to engage the Sub - recipient to assist the City in utilizing such funds; <br />NOW, IHEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties hereto that <br />Sec 1 Background and Pumas e Ihis is a contract betweetj >tfie Su b�''�';iecipient and the City which <br />establishes the terms and conditions under which the Sub - recipient i4i11 expend'ia,gt funds provided to the <br />City of Durham by the U.S Department of Justice, Office of Co; imunity Oriented:`::, cing Services and <br />perform as indicated in Sec. 2. <br />Sec 2 Term Services and Scone to be Perforriied''PresF umotibn that Duty is Sub= {e686ient's <br />the term of this contract is from September 1, 2005 to eithet%Itiugpst 31;'2008 or until such:Ym as all grant <br />funds are expended <br />r; <br />The Sub - recipient shall perform, within the period of this contract: <br />I Scone of Service. <br />A Activities. The Sub - recipient snap use gFSnEi}trida ;to,Cdfiy out activities to establish a <br />modern radio,diSpatch console syskemvhich wiF}33:1dW patching between various <br />agencies vviffffiDidtige County anil tirith agencies: from neighboring counties who <br />respon&ib calls fdfiffiu ual at and to purchase portable radios allowing interoperab lity <br />on 800? systems jn the region <br />B Objective%03 vposes -% pa Sub recipient at es that the activities carried out with funds <br />provided unftr'rhis'e$iitiac #;w jiz4ecfbne or more of objectives /purposes in accordance <br />g rfk 42 TJ, S,C § 3796dd (Attaclia eat CJ <br />< ''C Perfor ranee Moaf g. The City will monitor the performance of the Sub - recipient <br />against project,goals a ... R, ormance standards as specified in City's Application for <br />Federal Assisfugce (Attachment A)_ <br />13; Special Conditions. The Sub - recipient will comply with any Special Conditions imposed <br />by the awarding 8gency as conditions to the award, per Attachment B <br />E "Non.discriminat on The Sub - recipient agrees to comply with all Federal civil rights <br />laws,}ncluduig but not limited to the requirements pertaining to and submitting an EEOP, <br />repoftiii Findings of Discrimination, and providing language services to I.EP persons <br />F- Supplanting- the Sub- recipient certifies that Federal funds will be used to supplement <br />existing funds for program activities and not to replace thofV funds that have been <br />appropriated for the same purpose Potential supplanting -ban be the subject of monitoring <br />and audits Violations can result in a range of penalties and civil and/or criminal <br />penalties. <br />G Travel the Sub - recipient shall obtain prior written approval from the City for any travel <br />outside Durham County with funds provided under this contract <br />II Equipment All equipment purchased with funds under this contract shall be clearly <br />identified, with records maintained according to Federal property and retention rules, as <br />specified in the eutient OJP Financial Guide.. <br />I Progress Reports the Sub recipient shall submit quarterly Progress Reports to the City <br />that describes project activities during the reporting period and any additional information <br />requested, as reasonable, by the City <br />