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U. S. Department of Justice <br />t Community Oriented Policing Services <br />o Q o <br />Grants Administration Division (GAD) <br />COPS Interoperable Communications Technology Grant Award <br />IInU NW <br />W.MnVmn Dr 20530 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Steve W Chalmers, Chief <br />Durham Police Department <br />From: Robert A Phillips, Deputy Director of Operations, Grants Administration <br />lhn Griffin, Grant Program Specialist, Grants Administration <br />Bobbie Butler, Stab Accountant, Finance Division I�A f & u� <br />Re: COPS Interoperable Communications Technology Grant Award Financial Clearance Memo <br />A financial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed Costs under this award appear reasonable, allowable, and <br />consistent with existing guidelines Exceptions /Adjustments are noted below <br />lendor #: 566000233 <br />ORI #: NCO3201 Grant #: 2005INWX0011 <br />Budget C tegory <br />Proposed Budget <br />Approved Budget <br />Adjustments Disallowed /Adjusted- Reasons /Comments <br />TmveliTraining <br />$4,800.00 <br />$4,80000 <br />$000 <br />Equipment <br />$3,723,520 00 <br />$3,723,520 00 <br />$000 <br />Other <br />$270,000.00 <br />S270,00000 <br />$000 <br />Direct Costs: <br />$3,998,320.00 <br />$3,998,320 00 <br />$000 <br />Grand Total $3,998,320X0 $3,998,320.00 $000 <br />Grand Total: Federal Share: $ 2,998,740.00 <br />Applicant Share: $ 999,580.00 <br />Cleared Date: 8/262005 <br />Overall Comments: <br />Prior to the obligation, expenditure m drawdown of grant funds fm non - competitive contracts in excess of $100,000, grantee must <br />submit a sole source justification to the COPS Office for review and approval <br />